okay so this was an OS that came into my head all thanx to a crazy idea that my best friend Ray aka Dalmuthya planted in my head ... so yes if am writing this ... then she is the one responsible !!
this one is for you Ray !! 
P.S. banner credit to Bijal
Happy Reading !! 
He stared across the bar at the woman sitting at the far end, she had come in on her own but she seemed to always attract attention, he had been observing her for days now and she was at the same spot everyday, he had been hoping to wrap up his work before trying out his luck with her, if anyone asked him why he was so interested in her when on a usual day he didnt even notice the female population around him .. well all he could say was the woman had spark.
But today she was his prey, word around the place was that she was working for the Crawfords and in the city of New York, there was only one Crawfords who were famous enough to be working for, the drug mafia he was trying to bust and his bad luck that the woman who had finally managed to capture his attention turned out to be a drug peddler.
If he thought his appearance at the bar had been too inconspicuous then he couldn't have been more wrong thought the object of his attention as she covertly shot glances at him, the guy was one unique specimen, she had never seen the likes of him on the streets before, most of them she came across were too drugged to be in their proper sense to even remember a woman's face properly and the rest she dealt with were all machines but this one looked human, human enough to make the blood rush to her nerves, a thrill that she normally felt only while getting her job done slick and neat.
A little digging around the bar and she had her hopes dashed, he was a Wallace and the only thing she could offer him was a merciful death , well that was if he didnt try to kill her in the first place but she wasnt an easy woman to subdue.
Well time to make a move then thought the woman but she was surprised to him make his way towards her, well it was hook line and sinker then.
He walked towards her like a man with his eye on target, and slipped in casually next to her as though their meeting had already been planned. But she didnt bother to spare him a glance as she focused on her phone not until she heard his low deep husky baritone that send chills down her spine,
"you know what we could play the ignoring act for the rest of our lives but thats not going to be of any good for either of us. "
spoke the guy with deep brown eyes who had unsettled the woman in her a lot too many times without even uttering a single word but she wasnt a woman to cave in,
"well that depends on what you want from me." came a silky whisper as she turned to fully look at him and he was entranced by her coal black eyes.
"they say here that you are the Crawford girl around this place and that means you have sugar and I am ready to pay." Replied he without missing a beat, this was his bait and she had to buy it.
His words send an unexpected flurry of butterflies into her stomach, he meant business but she could see a different visual being painted and that didnt involve sugar that could be bought.
"but hey aren't you the Wallace guy ??
Why do you need sugar when you have coke on you ?? "
"whoa so we do know who we are ... don't we ?? " drawled the fine male specimen sitting in front of her and she grinned at him,
"well the knowledge makes us sworn enemies too ... which makes me think what are you doing in the enemy lair ? " replied the girl with fire in her eyes.
"how about we start with each other's names ?? " asked her tormentor
"well Ethan, how about we find a place to TALK business." Asked Kiara who was giving him more trouble than he expected her to, but her suggestion made him smirk,
"not a bad idea since business involves pleasure too ! " replied Ethan, his voice at his flirtatious best, not that he had a lot of experience in the department but he did know the allure he held over women.
He got up and held his hand out to her,
"walk with me Kiara .. you wont be lead astray. " but she was too quick, she was up in a flash and had him pinned to the wall, her ample bosom pressed to his chest, as her pelvis rubbed against his, her eyes on his brown ones,
"try hurting me & I will have you thrown to the wolves Wallace " but if she thought he would panic then she was in for a shock, he tightened his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against him, their lips an inch away from each other,
"wolves cant hurt me beautiful because am the predator you don't want to miss out on, and why would I hurt you when all I want to be is a Wallace informant , trust me Crawford we could end up being Mates. "
Kiara linked her arms into his and walked him out into the dark alley, she pulled him flush against her so that they looked like a couple in love,
"how about we look like a cosy love struck couple so that we don't look like wraiths waiting to devour each other ?? " asked Kiara and Ethan couldn't say that he wanted to let go of a chance to hold her close, the woman held an aura of mystic around her,
"Arent we the love struck couple Kiara ??
I came to you for sugar .. remember ?? "
Kiara laughed at him, their closeness clouding her senses ...
"sure you did Ethan but I remember you saying something about being a Wallace spy too " she replied as she trailed her fingers on his back.
Ethan laughed at her, a twinkle in his eye, the game was on and he wanted to make sure that he had her without an iota of doubt,
"some sharp ears you have woman ... sure I said that.
You see I got into a little fix up with some of my mates back at Wallace's and the bas***ds accused me of being a Crawford spy , and thats when I blew my patience to the winds, I love my job , to see the look of absolute Nirvana on the faces of our buyers as they see Coke, that sure gives me the rush but when am accused of being a spy, well then I guess I should give them a taste of how it is to have me ahead of their enemy lines, so here I am.
I am a practical guy Sugar, if I leave the Wallaces, the only hideout that I will be assured of a place with is the Crawfords and you don't have to take me for free, I have years of working information on the Wallaces and I can help you bust them up !!
What say Kiara ... is that a good deal for you ?? "
Kiara gave him a bright smile,
"Sounds a good bargain Ethan ... now I guess we need a place to talk.
How about my office ?? "
Ethan flashed her one of his best smiles,
"sounds mighty fine to me, the sooner we have a desk between us, the less hazardous before we both combust. "
Kiara gave him a sultry smile as she lead him on and they soon reached a deserted end of the alley where she stopped and pulled up the shutters to a locked down office, she led him in and shut down the shutters partially,
"make yourselves comfortable Ethan, am just gonna take a minute in the rest room."
Ethan fixed her in his X-Ray gaze,
"sure Kiara .. am sure you need to douse yourselves in cold water afterburning yourself in my arms "
Kiara tossed her words into the charged winds as she walked away,
"make sure your little boy down there gets a grip on himself by the time I return or else you are gonna need a cold shower Wallace 007 ! "
Ethan chuckled to himself , "busted by the lady herself"
Inside the rest room Kiara send a quick message, freshened her up and checked herself in the mirror, she had to keep carnal sin out there on his toes till she could take him in.
After checking herself for one last time, she quickly made her way out to see Ethan relaxed on the chair, she walked around and perched herself on the desk facing him, Ethan smiled, his eyes still closed,
"what happened Sugar ?
I thought we needed the desk between us to help us both ?? "
Kiara smiled at his adeptness,
"what can I say 007 , I like being at the vantage point, open your eyes if you want to know what I mean. "
Ethan opened his eyes to see his minx , .. wait "his minx" ? ... where did that come from, he smirked as thought to how fast he was loosing his well trained self control in the face of the siren sitting in front of him like a gift waiting to be opened.
Kiara looked like a temptress in her red short dress and as she sat in front of him, he had a clear view of her ample cleavage and well toned legs that she rested close to his thighs, the urge to run his fingers on her smooth skin was making him sweat, he decided to play her .. he sat up and tugged her towards him so that she landed on his lap, her face up close to his , he tucked a stray strand behind her ears as she smiled at him playfully,
"tell me this Kiara ... you took me as a Wallace spy but how did you trust me ??
I could be lying ... I could be a cop ... I could be a hired man out to remove you off the playboard .. so why did you trust me so fast ? "
Kiara liked his quick reflexes, his tough male strength as she folded her arms around his neck and pulled him close,
" if you were a cop , if you were an assassin then why come into my lair Ethan ??
You know I can summon backup .. not that I need any but even it comes to that then its you who is gonna be outnumbered.
This is my playpen Ethan and I dictate the shots here. " she whispered in his ears as she trailed her hands down his chest.
He pulled her closer so that she was meshed onto him, his hands clamping on her waist,
"I don't need a gun to take you down Kiara , I am a man and you know I can take you down in more ways than one. Ever thought about that ?
You know you wouldn't be able to resist !! " his voice sending fire on her nerve endings but she wasnt one to give up the waiting game, she knew it was only a matter of minutes before she had him strapped in place,
"Sure Ethan ... you can take me but I can ride you a lot more worse if I want to ??
You have seen Nirvana on your customers ... on your easy preys ... how about I give you a taste of the same ??
Mind you ... it wont be sugar at play though, it will be honey & it will be mine "
Ethan couldn't help himself but groan at her smart mouth, he couldn't resist as he moved her hair aside and placed a wet kiss on her neck,
"you sure have a dirty tongue honey and it makes me want to take you hard right now "
Kiara shivered as she felt his lips branding her skin but she had to keep the act together ,
"well you sure can spy kid but answer this for me , since you asked me about the cops.
Why didnt you go to the cops instead of hunting for the Crawfords ??
Crawfords & Wallaces are sworn enemies , lets say if we were lovers then we would be modern day Romeo-Juliet.
You know I can easily kill you and your death will be just another dirty chapter of the infamous cold war between the 2 groups.
The cops could have given you better protection & you would have been acquitted of your criminal activity for the information you can give them. "
Ethan looked at her straight in the eye,
"I am poison Kiara, cross my path and I will strike back like the Cobra , even if its on the hand that gives me milk.
The Wallaces crossed me and now they have to pay and the cops cant do the damage that a Crawford enemy can do to them and you know this best. "
He saw the the spark in here eyes again , the spark that had drawn him towards her, she was femme fatale and having her on his crotch was doing unimaginable things to his body, he decided to have a little fun,
"anyway enough of the serious talk Sugar, would love to know more about you or lets just say we could know each other more now that we are on the same side.
You seem pretty cosy in my lap, aren't you scared of your Crawford boyfriend walking in to see you cuddling another man ?? "
For the first time that evening Kiara laughed merrily, it had him arrested to see her laugh , it was infectious how beautiful she could be when she laughed like that !
"well 007 , are you trying to see if am free for taking or are you trying to calm down the green monster in your head ???
Well whatever it is ... you can breathe free.
You know the guys in our trade, they don't just peddle drugs but they are on drugs themselves to notice a girl properly in the first place and the rest are all machines.
And when they do notice a girl, they are all half gone already that they are just too clumsy to be with and I want my man to be passionate but gentle too, someone who virility hasn't been tainted by an addiction thats not human.
So far no luck for me but maybe you could change my fortune and make it get lucky !! "
Kiara replied as she strategically leaned in and gave him a seductive nip on his ear-lobe.
If Ethan thought he could be a gentleman with her till the game played out, then he was a fool, heck she was a fiery seductress on the loose and he had to take the bite .. atleast once and so he threw caution to the winds as he pulled her up close for a blazing kiss and if Kiara thought she had the measure of this man then she was wrong, nothing had made her prepared for this sudden tantalising assault on her sense and she was fish caught in the net, helpless to his allure.
Ethan groaned as he drank from her lips, he had always envisioned his first kiss to be a little more anticipated being the romantic guy he was, even as his friends had their own playboy lives, no matter what other badass games he played, romanticism was something he absolutely was passionate about and he had saved for his true love and right now all that was in the drain as he kissed her senseless, he knew this could be their first and last maybe but he had to have her, true love or not.
And so they lost themselves, she moaned long and deep as his lips moved from hers and trailed down her neck, marking his place, smirking in satisfaction as he saw her skin turning red where he had branded her, she wasnt any less either, she pushed him back and quickly made away with his shirt buttons as she exposed his bare chest for her perusal. She placed hard nips and soft pecks over his muscled expanse as he threw back his head and groaned. He got up and carried her onto the nearby couch where he laid her down and helped her buck off her heels before he pushed her down, his hands pulled down her straps as he exposed her to his desire maddened gaze, as he watched her , she bit her lip as she lifted his hand and place it over her taut breasts but before he could make his move he heard the shutters being pulled up and he immediately flipped her away to shield her from the intrusion, hell there was no way he was going to let a stranger walk in on her like that !
But the man who had walked in shocked them equally the way he was shocked at the sight in front of him,
Ethan stared at the man who was all to familiar,
"Sir what are you doing here ??
Sir this isnt what you think ... I can explain. "
The man infront of him raised his hand to shun him,
"before I hear your God Damned explanation, that woman behind you has to explain herself first. "
Kiara who had by then composed herself got up and moved towards the man,
"Sir am sorry you had to see me like this .. I know how wrong this is and I got carried away and I am ready to face the consequences but Sir my intentions were good when I texted you to come over "
Now it was Ethan who was baffled , "texted him to come over " !! what the hell was going on ???
"you texted him to come over ???
Seriously Crawford ... you texted him ??
Since when did you have the Director of Narcotics on your speed dial ?? "
Kiara looked at him stunned ... Ethan knew the director ??
"you know who he is ??
But thats impossible , his identity is a well kept secret !!
How can you know him ??
I guess I will wheedle it out of you very soon but let me get done with this first "
She turned the man who was now looking at the pair of them with a barely there smile on his face, this was going to get interesting.
"Sir this is the Wallace guy , he wants to jump sides to the Crawfords and he is ready to trade information. I had him recorded sir ... there is no way he can go back on his words now. "
The man in front of them burst out laughing leaving them both shell shocked. Regaining his composure he looked at the pair of them, he spoke..
"you think he is a Wallace informant ??
Well well my girl finally got busted and so did you young man !!
2 of the most brilliant agents Narcotics ever saw , one based in NY and the other from LA and you both have outdone each other !! "
Ethan & Kiara stared at their boss in shock and then at each other, they spoke in unison ,
"you are a cop ?? !! "
"so aren't you the Crawford girl ??? "
Now it was the Director's turn to laugh more,
"hold on a second there chap, you thought she was Crawford ??
This cant get better, okay before I back off for the night ... both of you are on the same side I can assure you, Mr.Hotshot LA arrived ... she has been working on the Wallaces for months now and she texted me to come here tonight a while back saying she had nailed one finally.
And Ms.Nancy Drew here , he has been on the Crawfords for almost the same period of time and am sure he thought he had you !!
Well now that introductions are done ... I am taking my leave ... and this time I am pulling the shutters down completely ... am sure you have unfinished business left to complete !! "
The director kept him face blank as he made his way towards the exit leaving them both stumped, as he pulled the shutters down, he looked at them,
"And when you have decided your future course of action on each other ... maybe you 2 can decide on how you want to tackle the Wallaces & Crawfords. !! " he added with a wink
It took a minute for the reality to set in , Ethan spoke first ..
"some night huh ?? "
Kiara looked at him ... "yea some wild night "
Ethan smiled at her as he walked in on her, pulling her against the wall ...
"how about we finish what we started now that we aren't offlimits to each other ?? " he asked her as he placed a kiss near her lips as his thumbs padded her lips.
Kiara smiled as she pulled him closer by his hips,
"sure 007 but I would love to know your real name now ???? "
He smiled at her , his real genuine smile this time,
"Arnav Raizada "
She did a double take before answering him ,
"Khushi Gupta "
It was Arnav who was surprised now !!
"Indian by blood ?? "
She nodded ..
"but American by birth ?? "
He nodded in return,
"a mix of both the world's 2 biggest democracies ?? "
She smiled at him,
"heart large enough to accommodate both ?? "
He chuckled.
"Di will be happy."
"Buaji can finally leave her Nandhkishore in peace" .
Arnav & Khushi smiled as they kissed each other ... this time they were sure this was forever.
After a long while, as they lay cuddled up next to each other, Khushi looked at him,
"how about we bust the Wallaces & Crawfords together Arnav ?? "
Arnav smiled at her, his eyes burning with passionate fire,
"sure love but you have to promise me that you will help me plan a wedding & more importantly a honeymoon later on ... more precisely ... OURS "
Khushi winked at him,
"its a deal 007 "
Arnav pulled her closer, "lets seal it with a kiss then Sugar "
oh!!! sugar.....i kneew it that they are our Arhi with other names and are secret agents....
ReplyDeleteloved the update
Wonderful OS....