To everyone who has wanted to know what awaits Payal ... here you go.
Happy Reading 
Payal remained at the spot for quiet a while, not knowing that the longer she stayed ... the closer her destruction was coming for her, she didnt know what to do, to run to her parents and tell them everything that happened or to keep it all silent and just walk away ?
She knew that confessing everything would mean the wrath of her parents and that was something she didnt want to know , she had always been the darling of her house but she couldn't figure out as to how she was going to worm herself out of this.
At another place far away from Payal, it was upheaval as Arnav related to his parents everything that had happened at the office, Samar and Sayali were shocked to think that Sakshi could be a woman of such a low character. They tried to apologise to Khushi for what Sakshi did but she would never allow it, Khushi loved them too much to let their heads bow in front of her, just then Sakshi walked in, she had come hoping to leave before Arnav got the chance to tell them everything but she knew she was too late, she stopped in her tracks as the people who had loved her so much at one point now seethed at her, she opened her mouth to explain but was stopped by Samar,
" not a word Sakshi , I don't want to know what or why you did this.
I don't want to hear any explanations.
And I don't want you anywhere near my children again.
Try doing more harm and i will forget that you are my friend's daughter.
You have only known me to be loving Sakshi , you haven't seem the ugly side of the Raizadas.
Now take your stuff and get the hell out of our lives and never show your face again !!
Do you get me ?? "
Sakshi was beyond hurt as she heard Samar speak, she had never been treated like this by anyone before and she never thought the Raizadas would hate her ... and that too for a damaged soul like Khushi as thats how she thought of Khushi !!
Sakshi looked at Sayali hoping for a little care but there was none, Sayali had eyes only for Khushi , her hands holding Khushi tight and close.
Alaka and Akash made a move towards her but Arnav stopped them,
"make a move Sakshi and get out, go wherever you want but don't you dare come near my wife or our family again."
Sakshi felt tears stinging her as she made her way up to pack her stuff, her heart bubbling in rage she stormed into her room, she wanted to destroy everything that came in her wake but she held back because she knew this wasnt her home, she was an unwanted stranger here now ... more like an enemy.
Meanwhile downstairs , Arnav walked towards the 3 women in his life and made them sit in front of him, and he kneeled in front of them, he held out both his hands to Khushi and Alaka who clasped him and he laid his head down on his mother's lap, Khushi knew what was coming but the other ywo didnt have any idea, she knew the battle raging inside him but she knew that only Sayali could help him now, and so she waited for him to speak,
"Maa , you have always taught me to respect women, you have always raised me to believe in the purity of heart of a woman.
I grew up under your love and care , I grew up watching Alaka spread love and happiness in our lives.
Infact she is the reason I have my Khushi today and yet today I lost control and I know there is no justification for what I did.
Maa I lost control over myself, rage caught hold of me.
I hate Sakshi.
I loathe her for every word she hurled at Khushi , Maa I cant bear it if someone hurts the people I love , and I become an animal if anyone dares to hurt Khushi even by a mere glance.
I would never abuse a woman Maa , not in my senses but today hell broke loose, I know I should never have physically attacked Sakshi, she was after all a woman.
I hate her Maa but my actions scare me !!
Am I a beast ??
What if I hurt Khushi like that ??? "
Khushi felt tears running down her face as she heard him, her Arnav was a man with a golden heart, a heart that could never hurt a woman no matter how much of a lowlife they might be.
Alaka looked at her brother all broken and her anger towards Sakshi intensified, Akash and Samar were lost, they didnt know how to handle Arnav in such a state but Sayali did , she was his mother after all, she raised him and she knew her son for the real angel he was.
She smiled at Khushi and Alaka before raising Arnav's face in her palms so that she could see his face, his eyes had moistened up, he looked so vulnerable ... Sayali ryffled his hair as she spoke to him, looking him in the eye,
" Arnav ... am sure you have heard that love is blind.
You love Khushi ... she is the centre of your world ... the soul of your existence and Sakshi made the mistake of hurting your soulmate .. your wife ... your Khushi.
And no man who loves his wife will ever let anyone get away with that .. albeit that it was a woman.
You aren't God Arnav .. you are human and you have your moments ... you cant be perfect always.
You cant be in control ... when people we love are in pain ... all our sense are blinded by their pain , the need to avenge them is what drives us and thats exactly how you acted.
Maa isnt justifying your acts , yes they were wrong but you didnt commit a sin Arnav.
There is sane reason as to why you did it and there is also a solution worthy enough of the problem.
Before Sakshi leaves, you can apologise to her BUT only apologise for physically hurting her not for your reason behind your actions.
You did what you had to do to avenge your wife and anyone in your place would have done the same or maybe even worse.
And as for whether you are a beast ... Khushi is the one to answer that ! "
Sayali smiled at him as Arnav hugged her tight, curling up in her arms like a little child while the others looked at him, Arnav looked at Khushi , his fingers clasped in hers,
"Answer me Khushi ... do you think am a beast ?? "
Khushi shook her head in exasperation , her husband was such a child at times, she laughed at him while the others looked on amused,
"if you were a beast ... then I wouldn't be your wife Arnav.
You would have trashed me that day you came to know my past.
You would have walked out of my life and gone far away from me.
Did you do that ??
No you didnt ... you have become the biggest strength in my life ... you have given me so much love in so short a time that not even all the years since I was born could ever give me.
But you are a beast Arnav ... a love sick beast and am the beauty ;) "
The rest of them laughed as Arnav looked shocked out of his wits, his Khushi was quite cheeky but she had also managed to put his heart in peace.
He hugged her in his arms and placed a kiss on her forehead as her eyes glinted in love and mirth.
Meanwhile Sakshi had come down , no one cared to even acknowledge her or ask her where she was going to go .. she waited hoping for one of them to speak and felt happy when she saw Arnav walking towards her but his words were another blow,
" Sakshi ... I will never regret throwing you out of our lives but there is one thing i should apologise to you for.
You are a woman and it wasnt upto me to physically cause you pain ... my parents raised me to respect women , not to abuse them but I let rage control me ... you caused pain to my wife and I reacted as I saw fit then but I know its wrong so just for the physical pain I cause you ..
I am sorry.
Not for what I told you ... I still stand by that. Women like you shouldn't be allowed to exist.
Women like you are a curse more than a blessing.
Now leave. "
Sakshi opened her mouth to speak but could never get her words out because right then she felt a stinging slap on her face that send her reeling, she turned around in shock to see Alaka smiling at her,
"That was for hurting my Bhabhi.
That was for causing so much pain to my Bhai.
Now leave Sakshi because am not going to apologise because there is perfectly no harm if a woman hits another woman ... you deserve to be shamed in public for what you did today.
Count it as your blessing that we are letting you go scot free. "
Akash joined in ,
"and yeah take Payal along with you if you want to .. she has got what she deserved and as far as I can see , you both are made for each other.
Two psychos with a stone in place of your hearts. "
Sakshi didnt say a word as she walked out ... she was in the rage to kill ... and she knew she wouldn't rest until she made the Raizadas pay but for now , she was leaving them ... she would return for payback later.
Meanwhile in another part of the same city ... Payal was running for her life.
It had become dark but her heart was pounding as she fled from her pursuers.
She had left a while back to go back home when had crossed paths with a group of men who were passing by and seeing her alone, had given chase.
In their eyes, she was too beautiful to be spared and they tried to lure her in but Payal sensed danger and she knew she was all alone and so she ran off but they didnt stop.
They were closing in on her heels and she felt ice cold fear creeping in her heart as she tried to find an escape but nothing or no one was in sight, the area was desolated.
On the way, she tripped over a stone and fell and before she knew it, she was hauled up the men into their vehicle and the worst nightmare of her life began.
Karma is a bitch and the Guptas were about to feel it bite them back and Payal was the victim.
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