Saij ... I wanted to give this to u only on April 16th but unfortunately family functions came up so yeah I have to open the surprise early.
Har ishq ka ek waqt hota hai ... woh hamara waqt nahi tha ... par iska yeh matlab nahi ki woh ishq nahi tha. - Jab Tak Hai Jaan
I dont know how this turned out , but since its ur bday u know I cant just let it go like that.
Happy Bday big sister

for always being my perf elder sister ... for being my best friend ... for being one of the biggest strengths in my life .. for always being there.
I love you
banner credit to Tammy 
Har ishq ka ek waqt hota hai ... woh hamara waqt nahi tha ... par iska yeh matlab nahi ki woh ishq nahi tha. - Jab Tak Hai Jaan
It was the day they had been waiting for so long, their graduation .. eagerly awaited after years of dedicated hardwork and unrelenting passion towards their goals. He had his Masters Degree now and also secured a position as a junior scientist in a leading research organisation, She had her dual degree in Psychology and Sociology and was well on her career as a social worker BUT all this happiness came with a price or so they believed.
As they walked hand in hand through the front lawn of the home they and their families had shared since their childhood, neither of them were too happy or excited. The thrill of adventurous careers were subsided now as they tried to decide on how to make the most difficult decision they had ever had to take in their lives. They had known each other since the day they could remember, their fathers were the best of friends, inseparable and so were their mothers, such was their bond that the 2 couples had decided to live together as a single family.
And now as their children, they had grown up together, friendship bloomed like an evergreen tree, love had happened naturally, as though they had been 2 halves of the same soul but today as they faced their lives ahead, they had to let it all go and walk away in the opposite directions, their careers poles apart as anyone's could be.
She had her head on his shoulder as they walked listlessly, trying to prolong this moment, their parents watched them sadly, knowing the inner turmoil their kids faced but they were helpless because they knew that their kids were right in their choices.
Eventually she stopped walking and turned to look at him, a sad smile on her face, her eyes already longing to be engulfed by him, Arnav cupped her cheeks and leaned his forehead onto hers,
" Khushi !! " he whispered, the serenity of her name washing over him, trying to calm his erratically beating heart,
" Arnav , why does it hurt so much ??
I don't think I have the strength to do this, I can't walk away Arnav.
I never learned to live without you " said Khushi tonelessly as Arnav's tears threatened to betray his inner agony but he steeled himself for what he knew was the most cruel moment of their lives,
" I know princess ... neither have I learnt.
But we need to do this love ... for the sake of our love we have to.
We both know that once we start our careers, we will never have time for each other. We both have selected challenging careers, there is no time for our personal feelings in it. If we stay together for long then one of us might even sacrifice our careers for our love but where will that leave us Khushi ?
We will start regretting this emotion we treasure so much, and I can't let that happen Khushi.
Your love is a priceless treasure for me and I won't let human flaws taint it ever. In a life where we both wouldn't have time for each other, we can't let our relation be a bondage for us.
There is so much in life that we both have to do and amidst all this, there is no Arnav & Khushi. "
Khushi felt her heart breaking all over again as she heard him speak, she knew he was right, this was a mutual decision for them and now they had to go through with it,
" I will live the rest of my life carrying your love in my heart Arnav ... there is no place for anyone else. Maybe miles apart from you but your love will always be my strength , you my best friend and soulmate forever. ! "
Arnav placed his fingers on her lips,
"Hush Khushi !
I don't want you to live a life of solitude in my memories, if you find someone you like then don't let our love hold you back, follow your heart Khushi. "
Khushi stared at him long, she had only question for him ..
" will you be able to promise me the same Arnav ? "
As soon as the words left her mouth, he looked away from her eyes, shading his tears from her, his silence was her answer, he knew there was no one other than Khushi whom he could love.
Khushi pulled him into a fierce hug, the floodgates opened, they cried in each other's arms, making their goodbyes, raining kisses and caresses on each other, hugging themselves tighter, trying to freeze this moment forever, Khushi spoke amidst their tears,
" drive me to the airport Arnav. Its time to for me to go. "
They walked back to their homes, their parents blessed them tearfully, knowing the agony that was killing their children. Arnav drove them to the airport, his flight was one hour after Khushi's. They walked in together, cleared all the formalities and were in the boarding lounge. Silence prevailed but their hands intertwined.
Soon the boarding call for Khushi was announced, she got up and picked her bags, already lifeless, Arnav stood and turned to face her, placed a silent kiss on her forehead and then he pecked her on her lips, taking her hands, he silently kissed them ..
" my heart is always yours Khushi.
Bye "
And just like that, he let her go and turned her around to face the boarding gate. Khushi didnt turn back or call him, she didnt have the strength to look at him, she knew she wouldn't be able to leave if she did, her resolve was already melting.
And so she walked away while Arnav watched her go with expressionless eyes.
5 years later.
Washington D.C .
Arnav frowned as he examined the latest test results, he had been working for the past 8 hours non-stop but the results were frustrating him, the docking results weren't upto the identity percentage they were aiming for, without the therapeutic potency required, these new formulations would be of no use for the drug targets in their current project.
He tweaked the parameters again and set it up for another run before going out of the lab to grab a drink. As he walked out, his phone rang and he answered on the 1st ring,
"Arnav speaking .. who is this ? "
Lara , his lab partner replied back excitedly,
" Arnav, its me Lara, sorry I am calling you from a payphone, I was just too excited that I couldn't wait till I reached there.
You have been granted permission to travel to Johannesburg !!
The NGO handling the AIDS patients welfare has just contacted the director, they read through your detailed letter asking for permission to collect the samples of the children there for our research and finally they have granted permission.
You can fly out the very next morning if you wish ! "
Arnav's face broke out into a wide smile as he savoured the news, he smiled very rarely and so his co-workers were astonished seeing him so happy. Arnav thanked Lara and went to meet the director to make the travel plans.
He had been working for 6 months now on this project but none of his research was yielding the right results, he badly needed the blood samples but the NGO had been a tough nut to crack, they were wary of research teams who collected blood samples on the pretence of drug development and then later on used for unethical medical practices, genetic crimes were quite common these days and Africa was a vulnerable hotspot for medical crimes, Arnav understood their concerns but he knew this was urgent so he had patiently communicated with NGO people over the past few days, their director had been tough, a woman but her identity wasn't known, for security reasons, all their communications were done in the name of their designations alone.
And now luck had finally favoured him.
Hours later, at his apartment, he had just finished packing, he was flying out the next day morning, as he laid down to sleep, his thoughts went back to her, it was always her.
It had been 5 long years and they hadn't contacted each other even once other than to let each other know that they had reached their destinations safely. He had never requested information about her even from their parents with whom he still kept in touch, he had never gone back home, research had become his life, his dedicated passion and keen aptitude had seen him rise in ranks, his research was a cornerstone for the company he worked for, but for him, his research helped his agonized heart forget the memories that always threw him into a hellish abyss. Despite the career success he had attained, his life remained as empty and cold without her, nothing in his life felt complete without her.
To make up for her absence, he had started writing daily accounts of his everyday life, as though it were meant for her to read, addressed to Khushi, he wrote them and kept them aside, never reading them again but he never stopped writing. His lonely heart cried out for her even now with the same intensity and need.
He set his alarm, and as always, gazed lovingly at their photo kept at his bedside and drifted off, a soul as lonely as anyone can be.
Faraway, Khushi heaved a sigh of relief as she gulped down her glass of water. The day had been hectic than expected but she was used to it and she thrived on it or better to say she needed it. Just as she was about to take a small walk, she heard her name being called and ran out as always. She saw a new baby being brought in by her team, they informed her that the baby had been found abandoned, the local doctors had tested the baby HIV positive and now she was with them to be rehabilitated.
She gently took the little black beauty in her arms, a tiny girl of barely a year old, Khushi cooed to her affectionately as she tended to her, hours later the baby was fast asleep in her arms. Placing a gentle kiss on its forehead, Khushi placed her in the cradle and went out to finish other pending work. Her assistant Ryan had managed most of the preparations for the research time arriving tomorrow already. Satisfied with the work, she walked back to her apartment which was next to their NGO building.
Now in her room, her heart echoed the pangs of another heart that was faraway in a dreamless sleep. The NGO was successful in its mission and it was mainly Khushi's handwork. This relentless social service was the only way she could forget the love that haunted her, but in the loneliness of her room, she was Arnav's Khushi again, her heart bleeding for him, everything in her life felt worthless without having him to share it with yet she had never broken their pact, she had never tried to contact him. All she did was pray every day for his happiness and health, a wish that at least in their next life, they wouldn't have to part.
The next day dawned bright and happy, by mid afternoon Khushi was absolutely engrossed in setting up everything ready for the research team, and now she was satisfied with her work, she instructed Ryan to guide the team to her office when they arrived, she wanted to take a quick nap in the meantime, removing her coat, she left it on the couch and gently drifted off to a light sleep on her armchair.
Meanwhile Arnav and his team after reaching Johannesburg had been escorted to their hotel, once they were settled in and rejuvenated, Arnav immediately insisted on being taken to the rehabilitation camp.
Ryan received him at the office,
"welcome Dr.Raizada !!
I am Ryan, one among the volunteers here, come along sir, Ma'm is expecting you in her office "
Arnav smiled at Ryan as they shook hands,
"Ryan .. pleasure to meet you.
Please .. call me Arnav. That will do. "
Ryan shook his head in affirmation as he led Arnav to her office, it was quite a walk and they got talking,
" Ryan, I must say how relieved I am that our lab finally got permission to collect the samples, it was urgent for our work and without that none of our results would have therapeutically effective.
Thank you so much for the cooperation and for having us here" said Arnav as they entered the lawn that led to her office but Ryan brushed away his thanks with a wave of his hand,
"please Arnav, it's we who should be thanking you instead for the genuine interest you show in the study. You see Ma'am was sceptic at first only because she is well aware of the manipulations and crimes that take place in the scientific community and she didn't want to expose anyone here to that sort of a trauma, they have already been through so much, unwanted by their family, discarded by the society, their existences would have been pathetic if it wasn't for the various NGOs working here.
But once Ma'am saw your work and she communicated more with you through your emails, she was ready to trust you, I still remember what ma'am told me the day she gave the green signal for your work, she said she could sense someone who was truly dedicated to his/her work, someone who was passionate about their work, someone of a truly genuine heart, she said you reminded her of someone she had known since her childhood, someone she had loves ... "
Ryan flushed a bright shade of red as he immediately realised that he had been blabbering too much to Arnav who was practically a stranger to him, but he somehow couldn't help warming up to Arnav, there was genuine love and compassion in his eyes that couldn't go amiss,
"sorry Arnav. I have been chattering away non-stop and that too about someone you are only about to meet. Anyway we have reached the office, Ma'am is inside the cabin at the far end, you carry on while I go back to the camp and get them all ready for your work. " said Ryan before he quickly hurried off leaving behind Arnav who was absolutely confused and if he might admit, nervous.
Ryan's description on his lady boss, about what she had felt about him, it reminded him of her, like she was reaching out from an abyss for him, he walked in and saw the cabin at the far end but all he could feel was her essence,
Could it be her ??
Was she waiting for him behind those glass walls ??
Was it her that he had been talking to all this while ??
Arnav shook himself reprimanding himself for his wayward thoughts, no she had gone away long ago, he himself had let gone of her, there was nothing else left for them.
He reached her door and knocked twice, but there was no response, he waited a little, annoyed by the fact that he was made to wait despite having announced his arrival, when a decent amount of time had passed, he slightly pushed the door and entered, his eyes fell on the sleeping figure in the armchair and that was it.
Time came to a standstill.
He couldn't move.
He couldn't breathe.
He couldn't utter a single sound.
There she was, in front of him, lost in sleep, as beautiful as ever, as how he had always remembered her.
She hadn't changed one bit, maybe she had become more beautiful but she was exactly how he had last seen her.
After all these years, like a dream that he thought would never happen, she was here in front of him, unaware that he was right next to her.
He couldn't help himself but breathe her name like a whisper in the winds,
" Khushi "
Khushi who had been in a light sleep, felt herself regaining her consciousness as he heard her name being called out, the voice was achingly familiar and she knew it was a dream, a painful dream that always haunted her, where she would hear his voice calling out for her and opened her eyes only to see no one, she mumbled as she opened her eyes,
" please Arnav ... you are just a dream beyond my reach "
Her softly spoken words pierced his heart like a million stakes, the pain of agonising loss in her voice threatened to break down the walls of restraint that he had build around it since they had parted ways.
He waited for her to see him ... to know that he was really there.
Khushi felt her heart beats accelerating as her eyes focused on the outline of the man standing in front of her, that frame was all too familiar for her, she could recognise it anywhere, her eyes flew open unable to believe what she was seeing,
Was it really him ??
He was standing in front of her ...
Watching her sadly ... his eyes spoke of the pain they had shared all these years.
Yet she dared not hope it was real ... it was too good to be true, she called out to him,
"Arnav "
In reply, he stretched his arms open for her, something she had been waiting for ever since the day she had walked away from him ! she flew into his arms, colliding against her with the force of a freight train, Arnav stumbled back a bit but gathered her close.
This was real !!
They were really in each other's arms.
The mutual feeling of love ... loss ... shock... Coursing through them, setting their hearts on fire !!
No words were spoken as they tried to absorb themselves into each other, consume themselves and become one whole soul.
After what felt like minutes, they both broke apart, the awkward silence filling the room. Tensed and Positively scared that all of this was going to end too soon, they couldn't even look at each other now, Arnav tried to talk work,
" Khushi .. I am here as part of the research team ... " mumbled Arnav, admonishing himself for his lame he sounded with his explanation.
Khushi had figured that out by then and nodded tonelessly. They both were too lost, this meeting was so sudden, their reactions to each other too overwhelming like they had been starving of each other which was indeed true. Even now this meeting felt surreal to them and the irony wasn't lost on either of them.
Their careers for which they had forsaken their love had reunited them once again.
After a while, they managed to settle each other into their comfort zones, they started speaking like pure professionals, but their hearts were raging, drinking in each other's sight, absorbing everything that they had been deprived off in the last 5 years.
One thing that stood out stark naked was that they love each other even today with the same intensity or maybe more than they had done before.
They talked endless about their work, none of them felt the heart to move to the camp just yet so Khushi called up Ryan to inform that Arnav would start his work only from the next day, they talked away into the night, they talked about everything other than themselves but their hearts had a talking of their own, they could innately feel the need to be close to each other,
Khushi invited Arnav to stay at her place, initially though he felt awkward, the expression in her eyes melted his own will-power, he agreed and so they were at her place.
That night when they spoke to their parents together, it had been nothing short of absolute shock, their parents shed tears of happiness and as they hung up, they had just one prayer, to make their children happy again, they knew fate had brought them together again for a reason and rest they left it to the Gods.
Khushi made dinner for Arnav that night, they tried their best to keep the conversations friendly without letting out their emotions too much, they chatted away like old times, the last 5 years they had lost, they shared every memory they could, spoke about their successful careers for which they had let gone of their sole happiness ... their love. And for the first time in their lives, they truly felt proud of their achievements, now that they had each other, it felt complete.
Khushi led Arnav to the guest bedroom, once he was settled in, she turned to go when she felt Arnav holding her hand, he cupped her face and placed a light kiss on her forehead,
"Goodnight Khushi. " Khushi could only stare at him, the feeling of his lips which she had missed for so long, she couldn't let him go again, she would die if she had to see him walk away once again, she looked at Arnav with innocent eyes that screamed only of the love they had lost,
" can we spend the night together Arnav ... like old times ... holding each other as we sleep. "
Arnav didnt wait for another second but lifted her into his arms and gently laid her down, getting in beside her, they didnt utter another word but just held each tight as they drifted off to the most beautiful sleep they had in years.
The morning came and both of them woke up with the same prayer,
Beseeching Gods to help them figure out a way through this pain .. to not let go again ... because they both knew that if they had to walk away once more, it would only mean their death. Now that they had each other and had experienced what it is to have lost and then discovered their love, they couldn't live through the pain again.
Later that day, as Arnav & Khushi arrived at the camp hand in hand, Ryan & Lara looked at them in shock, the peace and joy on their faces, those 2 emotions were something that their friends had never witnessed before, Arnav & Khushi together looked whole again, for the first time they looked alive !
And in that instant, they knew, Lara & Ryan, the only 2 people who knew the sacrifice their friends had made, knew that these were the missing halves in their friend's life. And they couldn't have been more happier !
Lara & Ryan had always had the opinion that Arnav & Khushi should never have forsaken their love in the name of their careers, and they had made it clear to them as well but the idiots had never budged in their stand but now seeing their happiness together, they secretly and separately vowed that come what may, they would never let these lovers live alone again !
The days passed quickly, work kept them all busy but Arnav and Khushi never left each other's presence, they worked together, as a team. They revelled in each other's passion towards their work, Khushi was over the moon at seeing that Arnav was a genius in his field as he related more about his work, also Lara informed Khushi that Arnav was one of the most respected scientists in the community, while Arnav had a sense of pride as he saw Khushi showering her endless love and care to the less fortunate lives around them, Ryan secretly confessed to Arnav that Khushi was no less than an angel for the people around them.
And so the time flew and soon it was time for Arnav to depart, Lara and Ryan practically threatened to lock Arnav & Khushi together if they decided to walk away from a love so potent again. But the love birds couldn't come to an easy decision, they were afraid that later if not sooner, their careers would again pull them apart, Khushi was engulfed in his arms as they say by a lakeside next the camp, Khushi was shedding silent tears in his arms but Arnav's mind and heart were working in tandem, he knew what must be done and he wouldn't let Khushi live another second of her life in agony, he pulled her up to face him, wiped away her tears with soft kisses,
"Hush Khushi ... no more of these wretched tears !
We both have shed enough of them ... we have spend days fighting our battle of wills ... we have spend lonely nights tossing restlessly as we craved each other ... every time we met with success we have desperately sought out to be with each other but yet we never took the next step.
We sacrificed our love for the sake of our careers, to ensure that our love didnt become an enemy to our personal dreams but what we both failed to realise is that our dreams have always been dreamn't of together, everything we wished for in life, we wished for it together yet we have lived them alone.
Khushi we ignored the most beautiful dream of our lives for our careers ... our love ... our life together ... a family of our own ... to grow old together.
And look at us Khushi ... we have lived such pathetic existences !!
Lara Ryan ... everyone who knows about us or doesn't know .. they have all felt that our souls weren't whole without each other.
If everybody can see the truth ... then why cant we !! "
Khushi was trembling as she held onto his fingers, she knew what Arnav was suggesting but it was a dream that she thought would never happen,
" please Arnav, do not utter words that have always been a dream for us.
I can't live through a heartbreak again !!
I have lived the last 5 years like a dead soul, just a robotic existence, everything I wished for in my career, I have it today but none of it brought me any happiness, none of it could fill the gaping holes in my life.
I don't want to dream something that may never happen. "
Arnav caught her in his arms, his expression fierce and determined,
" NO Khushi !!
This isnt an unreal dream ... its a real one and we will make this happen !!
Our meeting here after years of separation, our works leading us to each other ... what does it mean Khushi ??
Its a message we need to understand now, our careers wont destroy our love as we feared Khushi, nothing can come our way, we wouldn't have to sacrifice anything !!
I can continue my research even from here, or maybe you could do more of your work at my place, anything Khushi ... we will figure it out .. nothing is impossible, we may have challenging careers but even our careers complement each other perfectly like our characters. We have always been 2 body but one soul Khushi and we will always be like that.
This isn't a chance we are taking ... its a step taken closer to our dream of a life together ... as we always wished for !! "
Khushi didnt let him complete but pulled him in for a scorching kiss, it was the first time they had locked lips since meeting each other and it was a fire that could consume the universe. Gentle but passionate, calming but fierce, sweet but branding, it was beautifully intense.
The happiness that they felt coursing through their lives at the knowledge that they wouldn't have to live without each other ... it was beyond everything they had ever accomplished in their lives.
Minutes later they broke apart panting, their heart beats dancing in unison, crazy smiles adorning their face, leaning their foreheads on each other, savouring the moment, minutes passed and a silent giggle escaped Khushi's lips, Arnav looked at her questioningly and she smiled at him sheepishly,
" we are the biggest idiots on earth ... you know that .. don't you ? "
Arnav smirked at her in return,
"yea we are but even geniuses have their moments of foolishness thought our moments spanned years !! "
Khushi looked at him adoringly , " I love you Arnav " Arnav hugged her closer, feeling each other's heartbeats, " I love you too Khushi "
A while later they walked back to the camp, Ryan & Lara looked menacing as they waited for the verdict, Arnav smirked at Khushi, a naughty glint in his eyes as he turned to face their 2 well wishers,
"we are leaving guys and thats our decision !! "
Arnav & Khushi wanted to burst out laughing seeing their confused expressions at this unexpected reply, Lara spoke up,
"leaving where guys ?? "
Khushi looked at them with a smile, "to India .. to get married " !!
The shock of the moment suspended and the next they knew, Ryan had come forward and slapped Arnav tight while Lara came and kicked Khushi hard on her back, the love birds screamed in unison,
" what was that for !! "
Ryan shot back without hesitation, "for being 2 absolute geniuses yet being so utterly stupid annoying lovesick idiots !! "
And that was it, happy chaos as Arnav & Khushi, reunited in their love, revelling in the happy smiles of their friends and co-workers, left for their home together to finally live the dream they had wanted above all their other dreams.
Such a beautiful Story...
ReplyDeleteoh my god, this is mind blowing...........
ReplyDeletethis is exactly what I thought, my career will be a barrier to my personal life, but your story is inspiring me to say that it's not. it's forcing me to believe that it will be such a stupid decision to leave my love for the sake of my career. I have read lots of amazing arshi os before, but this is the first one to comment on. this sory has touched my heart as it somehow reflected my life. wonderful os