okay as promised am back with an update
and yes I am taking a short break because I have my semester exams from Dec10th to Dec21st and I am busy with preps so I wont be able to update in between. plus its Christmas on 25th so I will be spending time with family but I promise I will give you an update for my stories around Xmas as soon as I get free from exams and get down to writing them down
this update is specially for the munchkin in my life, my lil princess , my adorable lil bacchi Aru
its her bday today and this update is specially coz today she was born and ever since then the world hasnt stopped going crazy with her adorable madness !!
happy bday love !!
The last few hours had been nothing short of revelations for the Raizadas and the Guptas, the story Bauji had to tell them was nothing short of the worst shock possible, Khushi and Payal had wept long hearing about Shyam's treachery , how he had been the cause of their father's health condition, Arnav and Akash were the ones who felt the worst, the crunching feeling of having let down their wives was killing them. But eventually the terrible day had passed, and the silver lining was that Khushi and Payal had got their Bauji back and Shyam's chapter was over once and for all.
But sleep was far away, Anjali watched Dia as she slept in her mother's arms, Varun's words were echoing deep in her heart and she knew he was right, she couldn't deny it either that she had noticed his concern for Dia and her happiness, she knew she could ignore it forever if she pleases to but one day Dia will feel the need for a father, her own father and Chottey or Akash or NK wouldn't be able to fill the space for her.
But Anjali had faced a betrayal already, that too at the hands of someone who had once professed selfless undying love for her, she couldn't let another betrayal ruin her life, she felt the terrible need to talk to someone and that someone who could understand her was Nani , her mother figure and Anjali decided that she will have a talk with Nani soon, with these thoughts swirling in her head , she drifted off to sleep.
Meanwhile in another room, NK and Pooja were both beaming with happiness, Pooja's proposal had shocked the hell out of him but before he could reply, they were called out by Akash regarding Bauji's revival, and so they were finally now on their own and NK was only too happy to give a yes to Pooja who by now had turned into a demure shy girl, her earlier boldness which made her propose to him vanishing into thin air and these two were unlike any other love birds, they were crazy and goofy and now they couldn't help smiling and laughing at each other, so amidst a lot of fun and lot of careless whispers, Pooja and NK found their own love nest and they were happy that they had each other !!
Payal was tired from the day, the events of the day , the emotional stress had her completely knocked out, Akash could see that she was agitated and riled, what she need the most right now was a little time to relax and get her bearings straight. And Akash was more than the perfect husband, he was the perfect friend too, he got dinner into their room and fed her as she ate from his hands, and once she had finished, he made her get fresh and carried her to bed, gently placing her down, and in his arms she slept, as he caressed her forehead, occasionally dropping kisses over her face and hands as she slept deep.
Varun sat in his room, lost in thought, his outburst on Anjali was totally unintentional, he had never planned to tell her all those things but somehow it had all fallen out and he had no regrets, he knew he had been harsh on her but he knew it was necessary, that was the only way for Anjali to see sense, all her life she had her family who had treated her like a delicate rose, always shielding and protecting her and Varun wanted her to be strong today, he wanted to see her make the best decision for her as well as Dia.
He knew he would make it upto her once things got sorted between them but till then he decided to be stern on Anjali.
Meanwhile a lone white SUV was out in the roads with just 2 people in it, the night was cold and chilly but pleasant at the same time, Khushi and Arnav had slipped out after telling Nani that they were going out for a while, Khushi had wanted to go out somewhere alone for sometime, wanting to be alone with Arnav and now they were on the road, the night calm and comforting, he held her hand in his as she stared out of the window, her entire life was getting replayed in her mind, from the time when she was a child till this very instant with her husband, all the memories in a crazy order, some of them making her smile, some of them tearing her heart apart, making her shudder in fear, occasionally a tear or two slipping out.
Arnav drove in silence , he could see the emotions that were raging through Khushi and he didnt want to stop it , he wanted to let it pass, so held her hand in his and soon he was going through the same phase, their lives from the time they can remember till date flashed in front of them and it amazed him to think how far they had come together, and so they drove on mindless of where they are going and eventually came to a stop on a cliff.
Arnav got out and opened the door for her to come out and they stood there watching the entire city stretch out beneath them, lying calm and quite in the darkness of the night, the stars making the night sky glow, a pale shadow of the moon hovering between the clouds, they stood in silence for long , their arms wrapped around each other and after a while Khushi spoke,
"so it really is over now ... isnt it Arnav ?? "
Arnav sighed peacefully, after months his heart was finally at peace, they were all safe, Khushi and his babies were safe and everything was looking good for his family,
"yes princess, finally I feel it in my heart that all the bad times have gone, maybe not for long but I know its gone "
He saw Khushi looking at him curiously, her face innocent like a child and he chuckled, cupping her face in his arms and moving the stray tendrils off her forehead,
"what I meant is that , in real life problems come and go, its like the tides in the sea, they rise and then they fall, and now they have fallen and there is a peaceful calm in our lives, am sure bad times will come again Khushi, we aren't living in Eden after all , we are in the real world but what I do now is that no matter how many problems come, with you by my side I can face them all and I wont let anything go wrong with you , our children or our families. "
Khushi smiled a knowing smile that reached his heart,
" I know Arnav, even before we got married, even before we fell in love, right from the time I fell into your arms at that fateful night in Sheesh Mahal, there was something in your eyes that told me I can trust you, something that drew me towards you no matter how much I resisted.
Your anger terrified me.
Your prejudices annoyed me.
Your hate towards life and love confounded me.
Your pain tugged my heartstrings.
Your care and concern hidden beneath your anger pulled me to you like magnets.
Your love for your family told me that you are a much better person that you let on in the world.
You claimed to hate me but despite that you were always around to the ruthless beast who would save me from any distress or calamity, all the time keeping the facade of the hate mask.
You were a mystery and I wished to know the real you and today I know you my husband, better than anyone else could ever have known. "
Arnav leaned forward to rest his head on hers, his fingers tracing her lips, his eyes on hers,
"you do know me Mrs.Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada.
Oh how happy it makes me Khushi when I call your name along with mine, knowing that you belong to me.
How much I wanted to make you mine even during the day when I pushed you away.
That night when you first fell into my arms, all I saw was a pair of innocent eyes overwhelmed in shock and fear, your lips quivering and all I wanted was to kiss the fear away from you.
But then my mind clouded up, screaming that you were there to sabotage my fashion off, paid by my rivals even though my heart screamed your innocence.
You matched me at every step Khushi, even that night when I broke your dori, you covered yourself by letting out your hair, a single act of defiance and I was shaken at your courage.
No one had ever withstood my power with the courage you showed me that day.
You weren't caught up in the power that ASR commanded, you saw me as just another human out there whom you would possible run into .
You fought with me tooth and nail but you never cowered in fear.
Your helplessness tore at me but my mind wasnt attuned then to see the truth in others, I was always blinded by hate, after all the betrayal and lies I dealt with as a child , I couldn't bring myself to trust anyone except my family.
But you broke through all the walls I had built, I was drawn to you like a moth to a flame but my mind repelled you equally, I wanted to be near you , I craved to feel the same love and warmth that others got from you but at the same time I wanted to prove to myself that you are just as bad as the rest of the world.
Love and hate were on conflict inside me Khushi and I struggled to live with it, you were the symbol of my inner turmoil.
You were like the force of the nature jolting me awake, making me come face to face with reality, telling me that the world isnt always bad, that love did exist, you were assaulting me with the every emotions that I had tried so hard to deny myself !!
It was a long battle Khushi, a struggle where I made you suffer though I wanted to suffer in your pain along with you, absorb all your anguish even though it was me who made you cry.
And today we are here, all the evil erased without a trace, its our world now Khushi, our small haven and its perfect now.
I love you Khushi , my hearts beats only for you. "
And they hugged each other, feeling each other's touch, they didnt feel the need to waste words anymore, their life had passed the cross-roads and now a new happy ever after was waiting for them, testing times could come and go but they knew they had each other forever.
Arnav took Khushi and made her sit in the backseat of the car and got in with her, for some reason neither of them wanted to go back home just yet, they were enjoying the silence of the night, the feeling of being all on their own while the rest of the world around them slept, he sat there staring into her eyes for long , and then he was kissing her , softly at first, gradually increasing the pace, gentle yet hard , demanding and giving, the kiss just like any other they have shared yet it felt all new.
And they sat there, talking like any other normal couple, carefree and happy, not worrying about any more problems, they talked long, occasionally Khushi would drift off to sleep and Arnav would kiss her awake, but as she slept he felt their babies moving around inside her, kicking away to glory and Arnav couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that their kids would be such annoying tykes who would make Khushi run a mile, just like him !!
His heart swelling with love and pride for the woman who could love him and their children endless, her face glowing with happiness even in her sleep.
The night waned , they hadn't slept a proper sleep and neither wanted it, they had a spend a blissful night watching the stars shine bright, then turning wane as the early morning sky took over, happily enjoying their babies stomping around inside Khushi, occasionally stealing kisses from each other, indulging each other in passionate caresses, never being able to get enough, need to feel each other skin to skin.
And now they watched with a content smile on their faces at the breaking dawn, the early rays slowly filling up and spreading light, as the sun rose bright and happy, a symbol of a new day and new start to their lives bringing with it only happiness.
I loved it!!!
ReplyDeleteBliss, I say...