The Raizadas , Lavanya and Rahul reached home after their little shopping rendezvous, Rahul had taken off as he had important work to attend to but he had promised Anjali that he would be back before Arnav and Khushi leaves for their honeymoon, Arnav & Khushi, both were worried about leaving Anjali alone in this condition but Rahul had assured them that he would take good care of Anjali and make sure that she had her food and meds on time and also make sure that she takes rest. Also Payal NK Akash and Lavanya would also be there so there was nothing to worry about. Feeling slightly more reassured, Arnav left with along with Khushi to visit the Guptas.
It was the first time that Khushi and Arnav were coming to the Gupta House after their marriage so it was an occasion to celebrate, Naniji had already informed Buaji about the newly weds coming to visit her and so when they arrived, the whole street was assembled to welcome them, Arnav had a baffled expression on his face as he saw their reception committee but Khushi in her excitement didn't seem to care, she got out as soon as they reached and ran to hug her Buaji , Buaji laughed as she crushed Khushi in his arms while an amused Arnav winced wondering if Khushi's bones could withstand the strength of buaji's hug, moving ahead he bend down and took the blessings of Buaji Amma and Bauji, Buaji and Amma hugged Arnav in their arms and fondly pulled his cheeks while Arnav blushed, Khushi had her mouth open as she saw her Laad Governor blushing, she had never seen him so open to receiving affection, but what warmed her heart was when Arnav bend down and hugged Bauji in his arms, her heart threatened to burst with happiness as she saw the bond her husband shared with her Parents.
Soon they were led inside while the rest of their neighbours followed them inside, they were all eager to meet the most eligible bachelor of India till yesterday, who had lost his heart completely to the Sankadevi of their colony. And the ladies as they took in Arnav's handsome physique and powerful persona, they wistfully wished that he had been married to their daughters instead, whereas the girls kept giving Khushi jealous peeks as they saw how Arnav had his hands wrapped around Khushi's waist not letting her away from his side even for a minute , sighing as they saw a happily in love Khushi, revelling in her husband's open affection on her.
The time flew by as the visitors praised the newly married couple and blessed them, warding away the evil eyes, Arnav checked his watch and saw that they were getting late, they had to get back to RM so that they could leave for the airport on time...
"Khushi, we have to go now sweetheart, its getting late, why don't we say goodbye to everyone and take our leave ?? " asked Arnav to Khushi who immediately blushed a deep rosy shade as she remembered their upcoming honeymoon, she nooded shyly and turned towards Buaji...
"Buaji , Arnav & I have to leave now, its getting late and we have to get back to Shantivan "
Buaji was surprised that they were leaving so soon...
"but you both just came now Sankadevi ,whats the rush ?? its just early evening and Shantivan isn't so far away that you both have to leave so early , stay for a little while more , we haven't had enough time to spend with our Arnav bitwa yet "replied Buaji as she came and sat opposite the love birds.
Khushi looked at Arnav with pleading eyes, he knew she could never speak about their honeymoon to her parents or Buaji without blushing a 1000 shades of red so he decided to help her out, with a naughty wink in her direction, he turned to Buaji, his words loud enough for everyone in the room to hear...
"Buaji the thing is I am taking Khushi away on our Honeymoon tonight and we are getting late for our flight, so thats the reason we have to leave early " !!
Everyone in room erupted into silent giggles while all the girls bured a lot more with envy seeing that Arnav absolutely adored Khushi, whereas Khushi gave an audible gasp, she had though that her Laad Governor would come up with some kind of an excuse but here he had openly said it loud for everyone to hear that they were going away on their honeymoon.
Buaji laughed as she saw Khushi giving Arnav the death glare while he smirked back at her, she decided to tease her titaliya who right then seemed to be like a deer caught in the headlights...
"Arey wah Arnav bitwa, you have made a superb plan, now tell us where you are taking our sankadevi to get her Sankiness cleaned ?? " asked Buaji as Arnav burst out into open laughter, Khushi who could take the teasing no longer got up with an angry glare and began to walk away when she felt Arnav holding her hand...
"And where exactly do you think you are going away from me Mrs.Khushi arnav Singh Raizada ?? "saying so he tugged at her hand and pulled her back into his arms, Khushi blushed as she fell into his arms and buried herself into the crook of his neck as the others teased her...
"Buaji I cant tell you where am taking Khushi, because you see its a surprise for her, I haven't told her yet where we are going and also no one at home knows " replied Arnav as Buaji and Amma laughed seeing their adorable little angel hiding in her husband's arms
"But why haven't you told anyone at Shantivan where you both are going ?? "asked Buaji as Khushi looked up , a horrified expression on her face, she knew exactly why Arnav hadn't told anyone at home about their destination but she didn't want him opening his shameless mouth here of all the places while all their neighbours were watching... but nothing was gonna stop Arnav from further embarrassing his fiery little vixen who looked as timid as a lam right now in his arms...
"Oh thats because Buaji, you see my family has a very weird habit of landing up anywhere where I decide to spend sometime alone with Khushi and I am sure they will land up at our honeymoon destination as well and I am definitely not taking the risk this time, I want Khushi all to myself and if Khushi sees any of our family there, then she is going to happily be with them forgetting all about her husband " shot back Arnav as he looked straight into her eyes , placing a small peck on her lips as he turned to smile innocently at buaji and the others who were watching them with open-mouths !!
They had never seen anyone else more shameless than Arnav, the ladies practically shut out their eyes when Arnav pecked Khushi on her lips while all Khushi wished for was the ground to open up and swallow her on the whole, Arnav decided to put an end to her misery, he suddenly pulled her up and got up, they both went and took Buaji Amma and Bauji's blessings, Buaji and Amma instructed Khushi to be a good wife and do everything that Arnav expects from her to which Khushi meekly nodded, but this didn't go unheard by Arnav who immediately spoke to her with a naughty glint in his eyes'
"did u hear what Buaji and Amma told you Khushi, you are supposed to fulfil all my desires no matter what it is !! "
Khushi walked over and swatted Arnav on his arms as he pretended to be hurt ..
"Come now Mr.Raizada or else this trip will never happen and none of your desires will ever get fulfilled because I might get Rahul Bhai and NK to book us all on a family holiday !! " replied back Khushi, who had enough of her Laad Governor's taunting, Arnav looked horrified at the idea of a family holiday and immediately caught her arm and dragged her out , eager to take her home, get ready and leave the country ASAP before Khushi put her words into action while the watching Guptas laughed seeing their daughter and son-in-law fighting and loving each other at the same time, they knew Khushi could easily bring Arnav on his knees, if Arnav was smart, then Khushi was his extended version.
As soon as Arnav and Khushi walked into their room to pack, they saw that Rahul Anjali NK Payal Lavanya and Akash were already busy in their own world, they watched stunned as they saw Anjali sitting and giving instructions while the others passed Arnav and Khushi's clothes and other belongings to each other, just then Payal saw them watching them and nudged the others who immediately grinned naughtily back at the lovers...
"whats going on here and what are you all doing with our clothes and stuff "asked Arnav as they walked in...
NK was the first one to answer...
"Nannav , we thought we would help you both out a bit, you see there was little time left and you both have to get ready as well, so we decided to do your packing while you both get ready "
Khushi and Arnav felt their hearts warm up as they saw their siblings's immense love and care towards them but immediately gasped as she thought about some of the clothes she had kept aside to be packed, she didn't want anyone discovering them, Arnav had got them for her long back for their trip and she couldn't imagine the fresh round of teasing that would follow of they caught sight of it, as on cue Anjali broke in '
"by the way chottey, we didn't know that you had already done your special shopping for Bhabhi !! thank god I found the cover in Bhabhi's wardrobe or else we would have completely forgotten to pack that as well !! "
The rest laughed as Khushi's felt herself melting on the spot while Arnav smirked proudly...
"Dont worry guys, everything is almost packed, we have also added our little going away gifts for both of you, and there is nothing left, everything you both need for your Honeymoon is here, with a few additions from our side as well " Rahul said as he HiFi-ved NK and Akash, whereas Arnav laughed as he saw Khushi turning beetroot red, it was going to be impossible for her to blush more...
The guys closed in around Arnav...
"Bhai, we have stocked up your not so bad range of C**doms with a good range from our side as well incase you want options, we are sure you wont need to buy anymore since its quite a huge stock !! " said Akash as Khushi literally flew into the arms of Anjali and hid herself there while the rest burst out laughing, the guys mock-punching each other, Arnav never the one to back down shot back effortlessly...
"Dont worry bros, don't be too surprised of the collection is exhausted because I have no idea what happens to me when I have Khushi all around me and she is not as innocent as you all imagine her to be .. quite a wildcat you see !! "
The young lot laughed and teased the love birds as the packing went on, Anjali informed Arnav and Khushi to use her room to get ready while they finished the packing, she had already left their outfits ready for them in her room, and so Arnav & Khushi left to get ready ...
Arnav came out from his shower wearing a faded blue jeans and a black shirt, casually tucked in at the sides but let loose in the front, the top buttons of his shirt were left open and Khushi just couldn't stop staring at her ever so handsome husband who was equally lost in his beautiful wife who was dressed in white leggings and a sky blue kurti that Anjali had picked out for her'
Arnav slowed walked forward to Khushi who stood her ground this time, though her body was shivering under his intense gaze... he pulled her into his arms and placed a soft firm kiss on her lips but immediately pulled back, his grip on her tight...
"lets go downstarirs Khushi before I end giving you a prelude to our Honeymoon right now in this room "
Khushi blushed as Arnav held her hand and walked out, their family watching them coming down hand in hand, had tears of happiness, theirs was a Jodi made in heaven and there was no doubt in that as they saw the happiness on the face of the love-birds as they came down to take their leave.
Arnav was half amused as he saw Khushi crying while huggin everyone Goodbye like she was leaving them forever, the others were no less, all the Ladies were in tears while the men looked like they were on the verge of laughter but were only controlling it so that they don't hurt the sentiments of their respective Lady Loves and then later face the music. and so after a lot of tearful goodbyes, a multitude of bone-crushing hugs, slight teasings and open threats from their siblings to take care of each other, Arnav made Khushi sit in the car while he closed the door and moved to take on the wheels while NK called out at the last minute ...
"Oye Nannav, atleast tell us now where you both are heading off to !! "
Arnav smiled as he shot back ...
"We will send you a postcard once we reach and then move onto the next place before you can reach us there !! Interested in joining a wild goose chase for us anyone ?? then wait for our postcards !! "
The Raizadas roared in laughter while Arnav without waiting for a reply sped away with a happily smiling Khushi by his side, holding his hand tight !!
what place is this.....Dubai or what...???
ReplyDeleteASR is getting very much Naughty.....LOL
BTW loved the update
I loved it all but not the bit where akash gave arnav condoms ur stories r really nice I love them but plez don't add a bit where arnav uses condoms as they should be happy for baby srry if u felt bad plezzzzz continue again srry again