okay as promised am back with an update
and yes I am taking a short break because I have my semester exams from Dec10th to Dec21st and I am busy with preps so I wont be able to update in between. plus its Christmas on 25th so I will be spending time with family but I promise I will give you an update for my stories around Xmas as soon as I get free from exams and get down to writing them down
This update is dedicated to Mini who apparently love this story maybe even more than me myself
I am glad I met you hun, hope you like this chappy and it lives upto your expectations
There will more for Sakshi to deal with , in this chappy she only had Arnav to deal with , very soon the entire Raizada clan will descend on her and yes its Tamasha time coming up for the Guptas very soon !
Happy Reading !!
Over the next couple of days , Sakshi spend her time observing Arnav and Khushi, the love between them was too evident to be ignored, the love the family gave Khushi ran deep but each time she thought about what Payal had told her, she could never understand how the Raizadas could love Khushi if they knew about her past, they must be unaware and she was determined to pull the veil off.
Sakshi arrived at Arnav's office the next day after learning that Arnav and Khushi were there to discuss the upcoming exhibition, she met them in the conference room, she looked directly at Khushi,
"there is something I would like to know from you Khushi , I hope you don't mind answering it for me. "
Arnav and Khushi exchanged a surprised look as Sakshi's hostile accusatory tone registered, why did Sakshi sound so pissed and what did Khushi have to do with it !!
Khushi looked at her with a smile, "sure Sakshi , you know you can ask me anything you want, what is it ?? "
Sakshi looked at her and then at Arnav who seemed to be watching her with caution, she saw him move towards Khushi and hold her hand,
" Payal told me something about you the other day and if its true then I would say you don't deserve to be standing in front of me right now !!
Were you gang raped Khushi ?? "
Sakshi's question fell into a deathly silence, the very air in the room became charged, Khushi swayed slightly as Sakshi's reason for her anger towards her registered, Arnav held Khushi tight in his arms as he looked at Sakshi, furious enough to kill.
Khushi composed herself and looked at Sakshi, "yes I was Sakshi, I was raped by a group of men, one among that was someone my parents wanted me to get married to and when I declined, they cornered me, thinking they can force me to submit to their will "
Sakshi looked at Khushi shocked, outraged at her audacity to be in Arnav's arms while talking about her tainted past, thats when all her control snapped,
"what the f**k Khushi !!
So Payal was right, you aren't the innocent angel you pretend to be !!
You are out to bring shame and disgrace to anyone who comes in contact with you, a tainted body , a lying heart, and you still have the audacity to stand next to Arnav ???
Move away from him you bitch , you don't deserve to even look at him !!! "
The minute she finished speaking, Sakshi felt a stinging blow on her face that send her reeling, she stumbled back a few steps, before whipping around to see Arnav looking at her in murderous rage , Khushi trying to hold him back but he shrugged her off, Sakshi's lips were bleeding but that didnt deter her,
"what the hell are you doing Arnav ???
You think I am lying ??
Khushi herself admitted to it and you are angry on me ??
for what ??
for saving you from being tied to a woman who has been touched by god knows how many men !!
and then she has the guts to be with you when she knows you deserve much better ?? "
Arnav walked towards her and kicked her hard that send her reeling to a corner, his eyes had gone red in his angst,
" I am a gentleman Sakshi and I would never dream of raising my hand on a woman but today with a woman like you, this is exactly what you deserve because your existence is an insult to all the good women in the world !!
Khushi was raped and you are not the person who made me realise it !!
If she was raped then I knew about it from the victim herself, from Khushi herself !!!
I love Khushi with every cell in my body , every nerve in my body throbs only for her and my heart belongs to her and she is not tainted in my EYES !!!
In my eyes you are tainted and I will make sure I purify my hands and my shoes because they came in contact with a low life like you !! "
Khushi had tears in her eyes as she held onto Arnav, Arnav held her hand in return, turning around to look at her,
"don't stop me today princess, the world is filled with filth like this woman in front of us, heck I feel ashamed to call her a woman, she is an insult to women like you , mama and Pari who only know to love , Sakshi should know where she belongs and she should realise how high above her you are !! "
He turned towards Sakshi who lay on the floor , crippled in pain but that didnt stop her venom ,
"Oh so you love her despite knowing everything ??
What is it Arnav ??
Some kind of sacrifice you are making so that she can have a respected life ??
Did she beg you to take her , promising to be the ideal Raizada bahu ??
And you think your family will accept her once I go from here and tell them the kind of woman she is ??
You think you will be able to wake with your head held high once I tell the world what sort of a woman Arnav Singh Raizada has taken for his wife ?? "
Arnav looked at Sakshi , his eyes reflecting pity for her lowly thoughts and rage at the damage she wanted to inflict on Khushi ,
"What do you think Sakshi ??
That Mama & Papa doesn't know ??
That Akash and Alaka doesn't know ??
They all know Sakshi , they know what happened to Khushi and they don't care to hoots about it !!
They love Khushi as their own daughter, Akash and Alaka loves Khushi as their Bhabhi , their sister with all the love in their heart and no force of the evil can come into that !!
Alaka knew everything about Khushi when she bought Khushi's proposal for me, Alaka and Khushi share a connection thats beyond your understanding Sakshi but I will put it in simple lines.
Khushi's brother Rahul was murdered by their father in front of Khushi eyes, want to know why ??
Because Rahul murdered the Jay Singhania who was the vile creature whom Khushi's parents had selected for her, it was Jay and his friends who molested her and Rahul when he came to know murdered Jay !!
Now do you want to know whats Rahul's connection to Alaka ??
Rahul and Alaka loved each other , and it was their dream to see Khushi and me getting married !
When Rahul died , Alaka was the only one who knew all the truth and since then she has been taking care of Khushi even without her knowledge, and when the right time came, she made us meet.
And Khushi after having known how cruel life can be was hesitant to trust me, before accepting my love, she told me everything about her past, there is nothing new in what you told me Sakshi and I love Khushi and I don't care what her past is !!
Women like you are a bane to all the women in the world, despite being a woman this is your mentality ??
In what way is Khushi tainted to you Sakshi ??
Is she tainted because a group of men forced themselves on her ??
Is she tainted because she was tortured in the most cruel way with no one around to hear her helpless cries ??
Just because of her past, you think she doesn't deserve to be loved ??
That she doesn't deserve to be happily married and raising her own family with her husband ??
According to you what should she do ??
Keep herself away from the rest of world or should she commit suicide ??
You think I care about the past that was so cruel to her ??
If there is one thing that haunts me about her past, then its the wrong doers Sakshi and I took an oath long back that I would make sure that each and everyone out there who destroyed the lives of Khushi Rahul and Pari will pay with the most cruel punishment ever !!
I will not let the tormentors walk free !! "
Sakshi felt rage take over as she heard Arnav, the insult that she had got at Arnav's hands were too much to contain now ,
"Just shut up Arnav Singh Raizada !!
I cant believe I was in love with a man like you, seriously with men like you around, women like your darling Khushi here can get anything they want !!
And here you insulted me in front of a woman like her !!
Sakshi doesn't let anyone get away with it after causing me pain Mr.ASR and mark my words, if you have decided to live with a girl whose history is as polluted as hers then I will make sure that the world turns around and mocks you straight on your face !! " Sakshi's dire threats fell on deaf ears as Arnav laughed at her,
"you think I am going to shut myself in my room and throw Khushi out of my life just because you went and told the society that I am getting married to a girl who was molested ??
I am not ashamed of her past Sakshi, I don't care whether people turn around and laugh at me, I am in love with a girl whose heart and soul and body is as pure as anyone could imagine, girls like you Sakshi, you are the ones who are tainted, you have a tainted mind and blackened soul which prevents you from understanding the simple truth that a person's real beauty and purity lies in their heart and not in their body or in their physical attractiveness.
Khushi & I informed our family about her past because our family is the closest to us in this earth and they had the right to know, whatever happened to her, its our privacy, a personal matter over which I don't want the society's stamp of approval.
But if you go out there and tell the world , then do it, I will still walk with my head held high , holding Khushi's hand in mine for everyone to see, Khushi wont shy away either, she will walk with me and anyone who dares to hurt her in any manner, it will be the last thing they do !!
And you can be assured of it because Arnav Singh Raizada is a man of his word.
Now get out of my office Sakshi and you better get out of my house before we reach there, I do not wish to have even your shadow in our lives !!
And Sakshi ...
I wont ask you to try and be a woman ... but I will tell you this .. Try and be HUMAN. "
Khushi looked at Arnav with pride in her eyes, the way he had stood up for her, his each and every word, she was seeing herself in a new light, she was seeing herself through his eyes and in his eyes, she was cherished , loved and respected as his woman, as an independent strong woman who had risen above the ashes from the fire that had burned her life once. She made him look at her, her eyes conveying all her love and pride for him, she threw herself into his arms and hugged him tight as Arnav gathered her close.
Sakshi who was too shocked at Arnav's outburst and the couple open display of love and solidarity seemed too lost to pick herself off the ground and walk away, Khushi noticed her inability to collect herself and disengaged from Arnav and walked over to Sakshi, she took Sakshi's hand and pulled her up who got up reluctantly, Khushi looked at Sakshi, and the emotion that her eyes held made sakshi recoil,
It was Pity !!
Khushi's words were the final nail in her coffin,
" I don't hold you responsible for your words Sakshi, because whatever you bellowed here, its the thought process of 95% of our society, a girl when she gets molested, she becomes the prime attraction for the masses,
The media celebrates her brave survival and courage to speak about it.
The politicians made dramatic statements hoping to win the victim and her family's votes in the next election.
The law makers debate on the appropriate punishment.
The human rights activists launch campaigns that claims to be aimed at getting the girl justice but the prime intention is to boost their own images.
The conservatives and fundamentalists in the society launch into a debate on the moral ethics of the girl and how she was partly responsible for the crimes committed on her.
The relatives and neighbours first offer their sympathies and then they cut off ties because they don't want their daughter or sister s future of a good marriage to be affected by their alliance with a tainted girl.
And the parents eventually locks the girl in darkness so that the society forgets the reality that they have a molested child in their house !!
I was raped Sakshi and I pray everyday that no girl should go through what I and many other girls went through, the utter feeling of helplessness you feel when someone rips through your body while their hands muffle your screams, the terror of being alone and trapped while someone rips away your clothes and puts your modesty naked and bare, the numbness that you feel when one after the other they toy with your body and then they just leave you almost dead, torn and bleeding.
You wont know the horror of it unless you are in that position and God forbid anything should happen to you like that Sakshi.
I have suffered but I am also lucky Sakshi, I am blessed because the Gods gave me a family like Arnav's and a husband like Arnav who treats me like the queen of his heart, I got a chance to live a life knowing all the happiness that a normal girl of my age is entitled to.
I see myself through his eyes and I know that I am loved and cherished.
All I will ask you is this,
Would you feel the same if something like what happened to me would happen to your daughter or sister or friend ??
Would you call them tainted and shun them ??
What if you had been the one who was harmed ??
Would you be able to live with it if the rest of the world shunned you for something in which you were the victim and not the culprit ??
Find the answers Sakshi and try to change, our lives are too short and we need to strive each second to be a better person.
Try to rise above your faults !!
As for me " , Khushi turned to Arnav and held out her hand which he took, his pride at her words evident,
"come with me Arnav, Sakshi got what she deserved, but there is someone else who is behind all this mess today and thats my dear step sister, I think its time she got what she deserved."