okay I can see the angry glares .. tomatoes .. potatoes .. rotten eggs .. all aimed well in my direction !
am really sorry guys, I know I have been away too long but looks like
this is how its gonna be, personal life keeps getting more and more
busy. which is why I have come to decision regarding my stories, I dont
think I can handle all my works in parallel. so what am thinking of
doing is focus on one story at a time, I intend to focus on LMLY for
now, and once LMLY ends, I will be taking up LIDV and then I will
complete my SS on Arhi. I am not abandoning any of my works, just that I
am taking it one by one. do tell me what do you think 
here is the update without further ado, hope its nice and long enough to make up for my long absence here ! 
Happy New Year 2015 & Happy Reading ! 
shoutout to ananya ( cherrybloom ) who has been stalking me and
haunting me for this update ... this one is for you my cherry ! 
The next day morning, the inhabitants of Vaikuntha were all
gathered together for breakfast. Over the previous night. Zee Rehaan and Akash
had related everything that had happened to Alisha, Payal and Alaka and the
night was terrible for them all but when the morning came, it brought with it
the rays of a new resolve, the resolve to avenge Khushi as soon as possible. No
words were exchanged, though unsaid, it was understood to them all, also were
they not ready to mourn the past so breakfast was a cheerful affair.
Once breakfast was over, Arnav went ahead to call their
parents, he confided to them everything that had happened and asked them to
come over as soon as they could. And so an hour later they were all gathered
together in one of the private studies.
Arnav turned to Khushi, his eyes were serious and determined
as he spoke,
" Khushi what I am going to ask you today, I want you to
think about it and make a conscious decision because once we make it, there
wont be any going back, there will be tough times but eventually we will make
it through "
Khushi smiled as she held his hands, her eyes calm and
" tell me Arnav, whatever it is and I will definitely think
about it. "
Arnav took a deep breath and started speaking, his hands
clasping hers tightly,
" Khushi after everything that has happened, it would be
gravely wrong to allow Nikhil and people like him to think that they can walk
away so easy from their crimes, the fate of Nikhil and his friends should b an
example to all those think that money can buy them freedom from their crimes.
Till now we have fought this case behind the curtains, the
public or the media or the legal system isn't aware of whats happening and If
we were to kill Nikhil and his friends by ourselves, we may be able to bury it
for now but someday, their murders will cause us trouble.
Nikhil and the others should undergo the trial as stipulated
by our legal system, they should be given up into law's hands along with the
proof of their barbaric crimes. Why am I saying this right now is because, we
have all the proof in our hands, we have people who are willing to fight this
case for us, people who cant be bought by Raj Gupta's filthy money.
But for all this to happen, there is a price we must all pay
... "
He trailed off as he looked at Khushi, Arnav didn't want to
put her through it, the ordeal of a public trial would affect her so much, but
that was the only way this could be done but that still didn't make it easy to
convey it to Khushi, he felt her tighten her grip on his hands,
" what is it Arnav ??
You know you can tell me, you know I will do whatever it
takes to bring these animals to the court of law, tell me. "
Steeling himself Arnav continued,
" Khushi when we file this case, we will have to submit all
the evidence that we have amassed, and that means the tapes will be examined by
the legal system, rest assured I will do everything it takes to ensure that the
tapes aren't given into the hands of the media, but even then more people will
see those tapes, you will be questioned ... "
Zee interrupted Arnav just then as he came and sat on the
other side of Khushi,
" don't mind me interrupting Khushi but being a lawyer, I
have to say this, the defense lawyer will be brutal, and I have a feeling your
father will get the most vicious lawyers out there to fight this case "
He fell quiet, he didn't know how he could watch Khushi
being torn apart in public like that but Arnav was speaking already,
" Zee is right Khushi, this trial wont be easy on you, which
is why am asking you to decide. No matter what you decide, we will stand with
you. If you decide not to take it to the law, then we will make sure Nikhil and
his gang are finished off otherwise and if you take the big step and go to the
court, then trust me Khushi, you will have me standing right next to you, all
of us. "
Khushi was silent for a while, and no one interrupted her.
The past few months of her life flashed by, and she saw that it was nothing
short of a miracle, having been ignored and discarded most of her life, then to
have Rahul in her life only to have him taken away, her own father causing her
destruction, the years of loneliness and then to have Arnav walk into her life
just like that, and to now have a family who would stand by her side, she
couldn't have asked for anything more, she even had the strength to stand in
the court and fight for her justice but amidst all this her eyes searched for
Mama and Papa, the 2 people who had given her a parent's love which she had
never known, she thought about the public shaming this would bring to the
Raizada name, she knew it didn't matter to them, she knew they would always be
proud of her but the society could be cruel, the evil tongues would leave no
stone unturned to mock the family for taking in a rape victim as their son's
wife, that was the ugly face of Indian society.
Sayali and Samar saw Khushi looking at them, they understood
her fear, they exchanged a look, a look that spoke beyond words and then they
walked over to where she sat, Sayali smiled at Khushi as she raised her to
stand in front of her, she held her daughter's hands,
" Khushi, your Papa and me, we understand your fear. You are
afraid that a public trial will bring shame to the family, that the society will
mock Arnav's honour and his family's reputation, you are scared that this might
even cause difficulties in finding a suitable boy for Alaka, but let me tell
you beta, none of this matters to us, we are proud of you Khushi, as much as we
are proud of Alaka, true that a section of the society will wag their tongues,
like how we see in the daily soaps, a lot of ladies of the society are going to
question me or Alaka or for that matter even you. Your Papa , Akash and even
Arnav will face mocking questions, your fears are all true because that's how
brutal the world is BUT that doesn't mean we stop fighting for our justice
Khushi, it doesn't mean we let the criminals walk free and sit at home
protecting our family name. whats the use of a good reputed family name if we
cant even prove it to ourselves that we are worthy of it ?
Why cower in fear and shame when there isn't any need of it.
There is nothing for us to be ashamed of Khushi, on the contrary we are proud
of you, we are happy that we have been blessed with a daughter who is a brave
woman with a pure heart, a woman who loves our son unconditionally, a woman who
despite being a victim of nature's most cruel acts, is still living and
fighting. There is nothing to be ashamed of Khushi and we would only be happy
if a daughter of our house sets a path of example so that more and more women
out there who have been cast away finds the strength to fight for their
Follow your heart Khushi ... you have our blessings! "
Arnav had never been more proud to have been born to his
parents that he was now, the respect he had for them was beyond words, if only
every parent in the world were like his, then this world would have been a much
better place.
Khushi looked at Arnav, their happiness and pride echoed in
their smiles, she turned to her mama and hugged her tight. No words were needed
because their hearts spoke to each other. Samar smiled as he came and stood
next to Khushi who looked at him with tears in her eyes, he pulled her gently
into his arms and cradled her, Khushi closed her eyes, feeling the impenetrable
warmth and security of a father's love, something that she had never known
until she met Samar,
" Papa is with you Khushi , through every step I will be
there, true that you have your husband but I will be there, let them try
hurting you or mocking you and I assure you, they will know that it was a huge
mistake to pick of Samar Raizada s daughter. " said Samar as he winked at
Khushi who laughed, Arnav broke out laughing as he came forward and mock
punched his father.
Having quelled her doubts, Khushi looked at them all
standing next to her, waiting for her decision, and she knew that her path was
clear as water, there wasn't any place for doubts or fears, she would fight not
just for herself, but for Rahul , for Alaka , and on behalf of every other woman
in the world who was wronged and trashed away.
Her fight would be a source of hope for them.
She slipped her fingers through Arnav's as she set her heart
to the decision that was now made.
" lets file the case against Nikhil and the rest of them. I
understand that the evidence will be submitted but it doesn't matter, like Mama
said, whatever those tapes contain, its nothing to be ashamed off, my virtue
doesn't rest at the hands of a group of animals, they violated my body but not
my honour ... "
And then she looked at Arnav,
" Arnav you told me that you would do everything possible so
that the media doesn't get hold of the tapes, do not do that Arnav. Let the
tapes be released to the media if it comes to that, Nikhil's biggest threat to
all of us was that he would circulate the tapes, this is the veil of blackmail
that men like him use on us women to keep us quiet. Enough of that, we women
shouldn't feel scared or ashamed to show the world how we were violated and
brought to harm, I should be able to hold my head high and fight for justice,
not hide behind the curtains of influence that you might be able to pull for
Let the world see the kind of human animals that exist
around us, let them see how helpless a rape victim is, let them see for once
that we are not people to be trashed but protected and respected.
File the case Arnav, file it in my name, file it in the name
of Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada "
Everyone in the room were absolutely stunned into silence as
Khushi finished speaking, they were all looking at her with nothing short of
awe in their eyes, the demure innocent woman who had walked into their life a
few months back, her eyes sparkled with the fire for justice, iron will
determination was the essence of her words, the love of her husband was her
evident strength, Arnav looked at her with nothing short of pride and immense
love as he clasped her tightly and placed a kiss on her forehead.
Alaka & Akash clearly understood the power of love that
day, they understood the true healing power of love. Khushi whatever she was
today, she has been born new from their brother's love for her. They had seen
Khushi's evolvement, a few months back, Khushi was scared, insecure, hurt , she
felt unloved and unworthy of any happiness, but today, Khushi was confident,
there were no more doubts and fears, the pain she has underwent was now being
channeled for her fight for justice, and above all Khushi believed in love, she
believed in their brother's love for her, it was her strength, the very reason
of her existence today.
Samar broke the
silence that had descended in the room,
" okay so now that it is decided that we are going to send
those bas***ds to their death, how about we start working on it ?
Get going children, even I will be getting back to work, the
corporate world needs to be prepared for the downfall of Raj Gupta which am
sure is going to happen soon enough. "
As they heard papa speak, Khushi and Payal felt no remorse
or pity for the people who called themselves their parents, infact Samar's thoughts
jerked Payal out of her reverie,
" Samar uncle is right, our dear parents are not going to
know whats hit them ... " she turned to look at Arnav and Zee,
" Arnav I will testify in the court for Khushi ... " but
Khushi interrupted her,
" no Payal, you cant. You would be putting yourself into the
danger of getting prosecuted if its to be known that you were part of the plans
of Maya and Raj Gupta, it would become difficult to prove your innocence. "
But Payal waved her off, her expression fierce !
" Do I look like I care Khushi ?
You think am worried about getting put behind bars ?
Honestly speaking I deserve it Khushi, I deserve it for what
I did to you !
You are my sister and I have given you nothing but pain, so
don't stop me now Khushi, whole of my life I have never done any good but I
have done plenty of bad.
This is my chance to do something right for once in my life,
you can call it my penance for my sins, I am not doing this for you only, am
doing this for myself too.
I will speak for you and my testimony will be important
Khushi, there is no one better than me to vouch for the cruelty that our
parents meted out to you. "
Khushi walked upto Payal and hugged her, she was happy that
she finally had her sister whom she could call her own, she had always wanted
to be close to Payal, for them to share the love of sisters and finally they
were able to, Alisha and Alaka watched them happily, they both could understand
very well how it felt to have a sister who would stand up for you and fight for
Zee and Arnav exchanged a smile, Payal's support for Khushi
would be an added bonus to the build up of their case, with the evidence they
had, both material and witnesses, this case would be iron clad and Raj Gupta or
his accomplices would never be able to make a dent in it.
Arnav had a sudden thought in his mind which soon developed
into an idea of its own, he smiled to himself as he walked upto Khushi and
whispered into her ears,
" Khushi I am going out for a couple of hours or more, just
be ready by the time I come back, we are going out in the evening and no, don't
ask me any questions. Its is a surprise. Just be ready. Alright ? "
He kissed her on her cheeks before walking out, Akash Zee
and Rehaan were following him out. As they reached outside he turned to look at
" Guys, I have to go now, its something for Khushi which I
cant put aside for now. But I need your help too, go and meet Aryan, brief him
everything that happened.
Zee , Rehaan, gather all the evidence we have on Raj Gupta,
we need to build up a strong front, look into all his corporate activities, am
sure we will find enough dirt in there, I will contact Aman, he will help you
in finding the right resources, you will have complete access to the Raizada
Companies's facilities.
Akash, there is something I want to do for myself, I want to
gather enough evidence on Khushi's and Rahul's mother s murders as well as
Rahul's, I will work on it from tomorrow but just get Aman to run up on the
police officer who handled the cases back then and also the doctors who did the
post mortem, its time to round them all up. "
All of them nodded at Arnav's instructions, the plans were
clear for them all as they headed out whilst Arnav went off to plan his
surprise for Khushi.
Meanwhile back home, the ladies spend the rest of the day
together, by midday they decided to take a trip to the gallery being set up by
Alaka and Khushi, but Khushi had to stay back since she had to get ready for
Arnav and when she told them the same, she had to endure another round of
teasing before Sayali came to her rescue and took the girls out so that Khushi
could be left alone to get ready for the evening.
She walked into their room and opened her wardrobe, she had
decided to wear a sari for the occasion though she had no idea what Arnav had
planned for her, she searched through her clothes until her hands fell on a
peacock blue chiffon sari with gold embroidery, Arnav had selected it for her
when they had gone shopping once and she felt it would befit the occasion.
An hour later, Khushi had showered and she was adorned in
the sari which was her husband's gift, her beautiful tresses left open, a
simple diamond chain adorned her neck, her hands adorned in a few silver bangles,
she smiled as she placed a pinch of sindoor on her vermillion, barely seen but
it was visible for her and she knew would be visible for Arnav's eyes too.
She had laid out a coffee brown shirt and black suit for
Arnav for the evening, knowing that it was one of his favorite colors.
A little while later, she heard footsteps and knew that
Arnav had arrived, he came into the room, only to be stunned by the beauty
standing in front of him, Khushi smiled at him in happiness as she came forward
and hugged him, burying her face into his chest,
" I missed you Arnav ... You were gone the whole day ! " she
pouted at him.
Arnav chuckled as he gently caressed her cheeks, her fingers
grazing her lips which caused her to shiver in his arms,
" I was away so that we could spend this evening together, I
missed you too princess, now give me half an hour and we will b ready to go,
wait here for me Khushi. "
He said as he kissed her lightly and then went off before
she could ask him anymore questions.
A while later they stood in front of the mirror as Khushi
buttoned up Arnav as he held her close,
watching her. Once he was ready, he took her hand and walked out into the
beautiful moonlit evening. They drove away from the city, Khushi was humming a
slow tune as Arnav listened to her, letting her beautiful voice soothe his
senses, his wife was no less than a nightingale.
An hour's drive and Arnav stopped the car outside a resort
that was known to be on the outskirts of the city, Khushi knew it to be an
exclusive resorts accessible only to the elite of Delhi, it came with the
option to rent out private spaces which gave the customers the privacy they
Arnav gave her a mysterious smile that held a lot of secrets
as he came to her side and helped her get out, he took her hand and walked
inside, the staff greeted them and led them away, as Khushi followed.
They walked for a while and then Arnav turned at a corner
and Khushi gasped out in surprise !
The area in that part of the resort had been restricted off,
but the beauty of the sight left her speechless, a hundred fairy lights adorned
the trees as golden flecks of light lit up the area, there was a table for 2
set at the middle, golden lanterns adorned the skies.
Arnav reveled in Khushi's happiness, she turned to him, her
eyes sparkling in happiness,
" Arnav this is so beautiful ... Its one of the most
beautiful sights that I have ever seen !! "
Arnav took her hand and kissed her lightly,
" I am happy you like it, come with me Khushi, lets have
dinner "
He led her towards the table, the time flew as they had
dinner, looking at them now, no one in the family would have ever thought that
a serious decision had been made that very morning, Arnav and Khushi were as
happy and carefree as they had ever been.
Khushi blushed a million shades of red and rosy hues as
Arnav flirted with her the whole of the evening, his eyes glinting naughtily
which send shivers down her spine, as they finished the dinner. Arnav walked
over to Khushi and held out his hand,
" dance with me Khushi "
She smiled at him as she slipped her hands into his, he
dragged her up and slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her close as a
soft ballad played in the background. Khushi shivered in his arms as he twirled
her around, her hands caressing her hands, slipping through her tresses,
holding her close, his gaze scorching into her senses, his passion overwhelming.
They danced uncaring of the time that slipped by, they
eventually slowed down, stood there under the starlit skies, wrapped in each
other's harms, silence surrounded them, serene in its essence as they listened
to the other's heartbeats.
After a while, Arnav pulled back a little, looking at her
with such love and tenderness, that Khushi felt her heartbeats pink up pace,
and then to her astonishment, she saw him go down on one knew, she felt the
breath leave her body, she knew what was coming and she barely dared to
He clasped her hands in his, his heart didn't miss a beat as
he looked at her in the eye, Khushi felt something heavy being placed into her
hands, she looked down and her eyes reflected her shock, there was a small box
in her palms, in it a diamond ring with a huge ruby in the center, she looked
at Arnav, barely able to believe what was happening, she tried to speak but
Arnav beckoned her to hear him out,
" Hush Khushi ... I know it's a huge shock for you, its
sudden and unexpected but please don't be surprised or taken aback Khushi.
You have known it already that I have forever been married
to you, its just a matter of making it public. Khushi everything that happened
today, we made important decisions today, but nothing is more important for me
than our love and marriage is a matter of huge importance, because it means
sanctifying our love, not just for the society, but for ourselves too,
following the customs and traditions of the culture we were raised in.
After everything we decided today, I just didn't want to
wait any longer Khushi. If we are moving forward with so much in our life, then
why not this ?
Khushi what am asking you today, you have full rights to
refuse me. "
Khushi nodded her head in acknowledgement as Arnav drew in a
deep breath before he continued, his eyes echoing a new found fire,
" Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada, I promise to love you, not for
this moment alone but for the rest of our lives, for forever, for eternity, and
for as long as we will be born in this earth, my love for you will live beyond
my mortal life span. I want to spend every moment of my life with you, with you
by my side as my rightful half of my soul. I want each morning to start
beholding your face, every night as I close my eyes, it should be your face
that I look at, if ever a woman has a right over my heart and my love, I want
it to be you, body and soul you have me Khushi and now I want to make you mine.
Marry me Khushi ... Marry me on the very same day when we send
the culprits of your past to their deserving ends.
Marry me for the world to see that you will never be alone
ever again.
Marry me and make my family complete.
Marry me and make me the happiest man ever to have lived on
this earth.
Marry me Khushi ... because I love you and I want no one but
you as my better half. "
A long silence followed Arnav's words as tears slipped
through Khushi's eyes, her heart inflating and flying high in happiness as she
thanked the gods repeatedly for blessing her with the wonder that Arnav was in
her life.
And then before he knew it, Khushi had gotten down on her
knees and hugged him close, they sank to the ground, their lips found each
other as they lost themselves in the moment of insumrmountable love that
enveloped them, in between a lot of tears , Khushi spoke out the words that
made Arnav as happy as he ever could be,
" I will marry you Arnav ... I wouldn't want anything more
from my life ... I am all yours husband "
As she spoke, she felt Arnav slip the ring onto her finger,
they both looked at it, as it sparkled on her finger, a perfect fit, their
fingers entwined together as Arnav's lips descended on hers once again and they
lay there on the grass, with the fairy lights and lanterns lighting up the
skies, the stars twinkling, a star shining brighter than all as his sister
found her haven with a fine specimen of the male species.
Nature reveled in this happy union, and it celebrated for
without any warning, the skies opened and it rained down in torrents.
But Arnav and Khushi couldn't care less as they lay there
under the rains, getting wet and drenched but nothing could quell the fire of
love and passion that consumed them.
Hours later, they drove back home in silence, but they
stopped at a mandir that their family frequented, they stood in front of Khushi's devi maiyya, they stood
as man and wife , as lovers, and they thanked the gods and fates for bringing
them together.
And they left together, hurrying home to share their
happiness with the people that loved them unconditionally, their family.
I know I promised LIDV this week but somehow after the previous update
of LMLY, it felt important to post this update this week itself and
honestly when it comes to this story, the words do not stop ... I just
keep on writing !
so yes ... as promised .. heart to heart ... there is only Arnav & Khushi in this update ! 
Happy Reading ! 
Once inside their room, Arnav locked it shut before turning
to Khushi who was sitting on their bed, she was watching him, he could see her
eyes pleading him to talk to her but words failed him today, he was at loss for
all the emotions that overwhelmed him, he didn't even know how to tell her
everything without causing her pain, he didn't want her to feel the trauma
anymore, she had suffered too much already, even as he walked upto her, his
eyes were drinking in her sight,
Her tresses flying slightly around her face because of the
wind flowing in through the open windows, clad in a simple cotton top and
jeans, her face unadorned, a small bindi on her forehead, she looked so
innocent, so pure, so beautiful, and yet he knew that beneath the faade, there
were memories that she wished to forget, memories of a hell that she had to
endure while being alive.
He knelt down by her side and held her hands in his, he
kissed each finger softly, and then he kissed the inside of her palms, he
hugged himself close to her warmth and he felt her hands come around him and
envelop him into a hug, the wave of peace that engulfed him whilst being in her
arms, to feel the pulse of her heart and know that she is alive and holding
him, protecting him from all the pain he had to endure in the past hours, and
right then Arnav truly realized how precious she had come to be in his life,
she was literally the reason he was alive, the reason he lived for and hell be
damned, he wouldn't let anything happen to her !
He looked at her, his fingers grazing the side of her face,
her wide anxious eyes asking him what had happened that was hurting him so much
and he knew that he couldn't hide the truth from her, she deserved to know the
truth and he knew she was strong enough, his Khushi was a fighter, he got up
and sat in bed next her and kept his head on her lap, his face facing hers, his
eyes looking straight into hers, he held her hands clasped tightly in his,
" Khushi, what am about to tell you, hear me out, do not
stop me in between and once I finish, you can tell whatever it is that you feel
but promise me that you wont let this consume you or break you apart, I want
you to fight the demons Khushi, I want you to show them that beasts like them
cant taint your heart or your body, promise me that you will fight along with
me" said Arnav as Khushi looked at him,
she increased the grip of her hands in his as she replied,
" I promised you already Arnav, I have chosen to live my
life with you, to walk with you as your wife till the end of times and whatever
life throws at us, I will be there to face it with you. Now tell me what
happened ? "
Arnav felt a sense of calm in his heart at Khushi's
resilience as he started to narrate everything that had happened,
" Khushi, as part of the ongoing investigation against
Nikhil, Rehaan and Zee have been tracking down his entire life, his friends,
relations, personal and official assets, his financial transactions etc etc. we
were mainly doing this so as to collect all those tapes and images that he has
of you, plan was to collect them all so that it doesn't fall into the wrong
Rehaan managed to confiscate all his assets but there was
this one property Rehaan found, which was gifted to Nikhil by your father and
since I wasn't around, Rehaan went there to check it out and what he saw there
... "
Arnav couldn't go on, his eyes fell shut as he tried to
muster the courage to tell her, he felt her stroking his forehead,
" go on Arnav .. what did Rehaan see ? " asked Khushi as she
held him.
Arnav steeled himself as he resumed speaking,
" Khushi ... Rehaan
came back from the house absolutely broken and shattered, and he narrated
everything that he saw there to Akash and Zee because he was worried as to how
I would take it but I saw them talking, I saw their pain and they couldn't hide
it for long and so they told me.
Khushi I went to the house a few hours back, we all did ..
Akash and Zee never saw the room though they know whats in there but I did "
Khushi's heart began to pick up pace, her eyes reflected
fear, she could already sense what Arnav must have seen there but she didn't
want him to stop, she urged him to continue speaking,
" what did you see there Arnav ? "
" Khushi ... the room I was in, it was hell. If there is ever
a hell in Arnav Singh Raizada's life then its in that room. Khushi the room I
was in, its in the same house used by the Guptas as their guest house, which
your father gifted to Nikhil, I was in the room where they almost killed the
woman I love ! " said Arnav, his eyes welling up in tears again.
Khushi felt her heart twist and knot as the memories engulfed
her but she fought it as she held onto Arnav because she could feel the raging
pain in him, she could see the struggle with which he was finding words to tell
her what he saw there,
" don't stop Arnav ... tell me what you saw"
Arnav held her close, his face pressing into her bosom as he
" the bas***d, Vaid .. he had the walls lined with your
images, too many of them Khushi ... Each one of them depicting your pain and
tragedy of that hated day in your life, there was a TV screen in the room and if
you switch it on ... Nikhil wasn't lying to us Khushi, he really has everything
recorded in tape, the tapes played one after the other Khushi and I could do
nothing but watch you.
It felt as though I was there with you and yet could do
nothing to save you !
I saw that day in your life Khushi. I saw your pain ... your
Until today, all the pain I thought I understood was from
the memories you shared with me but today, now I know the true horror of what
they did to you.
I saw everything Khushi ... forgive me but couldn't run from there like a coward in the
face of your agony. "
Khushi sat still, but her grip on Arnav didn't relent, her
heart felt heavy under the onslaught of emotions, she couldn't gather her
thoughts anymore, the memories were burned into her memory as clearly as it
would be on tape, tape could be erased but not her memory !
The nightmares of that day had decreased ever since Arnav
entered her life but she would never forget the day and to know that Arnav had
come face to face with the very day in her life which she never wanted to visit
ever again.
She looked down at him and all she saw was the pain and
anguish and helplessness in his eyes as he looked at her, now she understood
why Akash Rehaan and Zee had made that promise to her. She could so clearly
understand their pain and how she wished they never had to deal with it.
She felt Arnav wiping away the tears that she couldn't stop,
he got up and pulled her into his arms, hugging her close, Arnav let her shed
out all her pain as he cried with her.
After a while he spoke to her,
" talk to me Khushi ... don't hold back ... its all been laid
bare for us now "
Khushi pulled back a little and looked at him, her fingers
caressing his face, he was shocked to see her smile through her tears and her
words that came after left him astounded, shocked as he realized how much her
trust in his love had healed her,
" what do I say Arnav ?
Yes am hurt ... am in pain ... but its not for myself or what
happened that day, my pain is for you, for Akash Zee and Rehaan who had to deal
with the reality that I never wanted anyone of you to know.
You walked into the house, knowing the horror that lay
within, you had to see me at my weakest hours and I know the feeling of
helplessness you must have felt, I saw the same in Rahul when he first found me
in that mess, he was my brother and it killed him to see me that way, you are
my husband, the pain you must have felt seeing the woman you love bleeding to
her almost death, its worse than any pain that any man could ever endure ! its
equal to death and yet you faced it all alone !
Rehaan walked into the unknown and he is enduring the same
pain that I saw in Rahul's eyes.
But look at me Arnav ... don't you understand ? I am one of
the luckiest women alive today !
Most of the women who have been in my place, they were
abandoned by their families friends and the society, they were cast away to
bleed to their deaths, they .. the victims were termed as the culprits, they
perished Arnav, they died all alone knowing that they were hated for crimes
they never committed.
And look at me, my own family threw me into that hell but
they couldn't destroy me, Rahul came for me, he saved me, he avenged my death
at the cost of his life, he left me in the protection of Naina and Alaka until
you came along, you Arnav ... you took me into your life as though I were the
center of yr universe, despite knowing everything that happened, you love me
You gave me a family that's mine more than my own blood
could ever come to be !
Maa Papa Pari Akash Alisha Zee Rehaan ... I have each one of
you to hold onto.
Aryan and Naina who have already done so much for my protection
... I can never stop counting my blessings ever !
Today after everything that happened, I have 3 brothers who
promised me they would always protect me.
And I have YOU.
Arnav, today you saw something that no man would ever want
to see of the woman he loves. Most of the men, if they were put in your place,
they would have abandoned me, never bothered to look at me again, they would
never want me or any woman who has been in my place !
And yet you returned to me, you never even once hesitated to
touch me, to show me your love, I can see the pain in your eyes but you aren't
disgusted at me.
You love me Arnav ... and none of what happened to me could
ever blemish that love of yours.
What more do I want Arnav ?
Everything I need .. I already have it. I have you.
I have run away too many times from you thinking that I was
doing it for your happiness but then I promised you last time Arnav, that am
choosing you and our future over my past and I intend for us to live our
happily ever after Arnav.
I wont let my past ruin it for us.
I love you Arnav and I trust you. " said Khushi as she
kissed him on his lips.
Arnav who was too shocked to respond, gathered her close as
he kissed her back a moment later. It wasn't a kiss of passion or need.
It was the promise of unconditional love.
They broke apart after a while, Arnav looked at her, there
was one more thing he had to do, he took her hand in his,
" Khushi I know you trust me ... so if I do something now, can
you just believe in my love and let me do it and not stop me ? " asked Arnav.
Khushi was puzzled by Arnav's request but she nodded her
head in agreement.
Arnav left the bed and went to draw the curtains and shut
the window, the pale light from the lanterns in the room illuminated their
surroundings giving it an ethereal glow. He came to her and took her by her
hands and made her stand in the center of the room, he held her hands as he
spoke to her,
" Khushi ... I have felt that I am married to you from the
day I first saw you, you are already my wife to me in my heart but like I
promised you, I will give you the wedding of your dreams and the first time I
make love to you will be on the night when the world knows that you are my
bride, the love of my life.
But today, Khushi I saw your wounds, I saw you bleed, I saw
the bruises on your body and I can never forget it or ignore it.
I love you body and soul Khushi, and I want to heal the
wounds, the ones in your soul and the ones in your body.
I am not asking for your permission Khushi ... I am just
asking you to trust me, trust me to allow me to heal those wounds which I know
are still there, lingering traces of the horror you faced. "
Khushi barely breathed, she didn't refuse, she closed her
eyes as she remembered the wounds, Arnav was right, she still had the traces on
her body, marks on her arms and limbs and torso that refused to fade away, and
deep in her heart, she didn't want to hide them from Arnav anymore, she wanted
to feel his touch.
Arnav didn't want to intimidate her so he took off his shirt
first so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable being exposed in his presence.
She opened her eyes to see him standing shirtless in front
of her, he moved closer to her and slowly removed her top from her body, and
then he removed the jeans she was wearing, Khushi stood in front of him in her
inner wear, her eyes echoed the peace in her heart, there would be no more
secrets between them.
Arnav took her hands in his, he saw the slight marks in her
arms and he kissed each one of them, letting her feel his touch, allowing it to
sink deep into her senses.
There were marks in her chest ... her bare waist ... her legs ...
and he kissed them all without hesitance, it felt as though he were talking to
her body and to her soul, he kissed each one of our wound marks, letting them
know that each one of her scars was precious to him, that he loved them all,
that they were the mark of her strength and survival.
His fingers lightly caressed her body, his lips leaving its
touch on her marks, she felt enveloped in his essence, she could hear the beat
of his heart, she could feel his touch, she could see his eyes which never left
hers, that moment and Khushi felt as pure as any woman could ever feel, the
horrors of her past seemed to fade away, all she could remember was Arnav, the
man she had given her heart and soul to.
Khushi felt her heart pick up pace as she felt his touch
scorch her senses, he hadn't missed a single scar, he had found them all and
loved them unconditionally.
She opened her eyes to see him smile at her, he took her
hand and led her into the shower, where they stripped away the little amount of
clothing on their bodies, he turned on the shower and they stood under it, letting
the water cascade down their bodies that were completely nude and laid bare.
They held onto each other, felt the water cleanse their body
and soul, they shed a few tears ... they cried a little ... they laughed a little
... their eyes echoed their love for each other, their hands caressed each other
without inhibitions. The felt the water wash away the dirt of their past. To
Arnav, everything that happened to Khushi ... all her pain .. he imbibed them
onto himself.
And as they stood there with their bodies laid bare,
touching each other head to toe, there wasn't an iota of lust or desire they
felt, they didn't feel the need to possess each other like lovers would do,
they were attracted to each other, deeply attracted but they both wanted the
blending of their bodies and souls to be born out of love and not as an escape
from the horrors of their past.
Arnav turned off the shower, he wrapped her in a white towel
and took her out of the cubicle and then he wiped away the water on her body,
after which she did the same, they walked into their bedroom and without a
word, he lifted her into his arms and placed her gently on the bed, he switched
off the lights and got in next to her and held her close, stroking her face,
occasionally peppering her faces with kisses, he slowly lulled her to sleep, he
saw her close her eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep with a beautiful
smile adorning her face. And soon he too fell asleep, his face buried into the
crook of her neck, their bodies held close as they clasped each other tight, a
tangle of arms and legs, they slept like a pair of entwined souls they were.
Arnav through his act
wanted Khushi to know that she could sleep bare with him, the man she
loved without the fear of having to meet
his sexual needs, he wanted her to know that he wasn't in love with just her
physical beauty but also her soul. He wanted her to feel safe and protected in
their physical intimacy, she had been scarred by the brutal touch of men who
were animals, and he wanted her to know that a man's touch could be loving and
caring too ... he wanted her to know that he would always protect her and so he
Khushi slept that
night, completely naked in the arms of her husband, Arnav was the first man in
her life to whom she had laid bare her soul and body without any fears and her
trust in him was iron clad, he had become the man who had healed every single
wound in her body and her soul, given to her by men who were nothing short of
animals. She could feel it in her soul that Arnav's touch wasn't born out of
lust but out of his unconditional love for her.
if there is anyone out there who wants to aim an axe at me for keeping u
waiting this long .. you are free to do so coz I know I deserve that ! I
know sorry wont suffice guys and I just wish I could write as
frequently as I wish to but studies and career .. its taking up a lot of
my time. but these stories I write on Arhi .. they are damn special to
me, so I will never give up on them and will always write as I get the
time and I want to thank each and everyone of my readers who have been
so amazing in supporting whatever I write !

to the update, this I feel was the most difficult part I have written
for LMLY, coz this I would call as one of the most crucial updates, the
banner being used on PG1 of this thread of LMLY was mainly designed by
Tammy as asked her to keeping in mind this update. as a writer it was
difficult for me to write it, there were times when I doubted as to
whether I did it justice but I hope I did.looking forward to the
mention ... this update is dedicated to my lil Cherry .. my bday girl
Ananya who celebrated her bday yest ! Happy Bday lil one ... I hope you
like this update ! bday hugs ! 
days passed but there was a flurry of activities going on at Vaikuntha,
to the extent that Rehaan Alisha and Zeeshan had temporarily decided to
shift in along with Arnav & Khushi. Zeeshan and Aryan had analyzed
the security situation and decided that no member of the family should
be without protection until the case was solved, even Arnav's parents
who were at their ancestral house had been placed under security.
of the upper study rooms at Vaikuntha had been transformed into a work
area for Zeeshan and Rehaan, Zee had his staff work hard at find out
anything and everything they could find out about Raj Gupta and his
assosciates whereas Rehaan was on his own doing a thorough background
check on Nikhil's activities over the years since what had happened to
was in custody but Rehaan had bigger plans, but he had a bigger worry
and concern and he decided to discuss it with Zee and Akash before
informing Arnav, and so the three men were in their study,
what is it Rehaan ? why did you call us here and why not let Arnav know
? " asked Zee as he took a seat facing Rehaan while Akash sat on his
other side.
Rehaan sighed to himself as he pondered on how to deliver this piece of information but he knew he had to,
Akash .. Bhaijaan .. over the past few days I have been tracking down
Nikhil's activities over the past years, I have hacked into his email
accounts, his bank accounts which I did because I got the clearance with
the help of our lawyers, every possible activity of his I have them
traced out, my intention was to remove and erase any digital copy of the
films on Bhabhi, but then I realized that if we erase it then we would
be destroying proof and it would weaken our case in the court, so they
need to be preserved until the case has been dealt with on court which I
know will take time.
whilst going through Nikhil's accounts, I also checked for any possible
conversation between Nikhil and his friends around the time when Bhabhi
was raped, just to see if they were storing any possible hard copies of
the tapes and I found out this plan they had, when Nikhil told us that
copies of the film were made and were given to some of his friends for
safekeeping, that's a lie !!
think he wanted us to go fishing on dead ends, I think he planned to
feed us the names of the people who were involved in the incident and
finish them off but that doesn't mean the evidence would be totally
destroyed because there is no mention of any kind of evidence backup,
maybe yes they met in person and discussed the details and we have to
check into it but what I feel is that none of them have any copies
except Nikhil. Of the multiple addresses that Nikhil has to his name, I
had some of our men trace all these locations, Arnav Bhai and me, we
both over the past few days did personally go to each of these locales
and searched the house but there were no hard copies .. BUT .. "
hesitated as though he was struggling to bring out his next few words,
Akash looked worried, even scared as to what he was about to hear but he
encouraged Rehaan to go on,
But there was this house that I checked on my own, Arnav bhai couldn't
make it that day because of an important meeting back at the office and
am glad he didn't make it because he would have been shattered if he had
been in there unknowing of what to expect !! "
" what was in there Rehaan ?? what did you see .. tell us " said Akash as Rehaan's body tensed up.
What I saw in there ... it left me shocked as to how inhuman some
humans can become, worser than animals , worser than beasts ... some
humans can be real demons !!
Nikhil is a demon, maybe he didn't directly hurt Bhabhi but he is as
bad as the animals who tried to destroy her, he is a sadist of the
extreme kind and someone who can descend to any levels to get what he
wants. I doubt as to whether he was born to human parents to begin with
because cant fathom a human being like involved in such cruel acts.
house contains a room .. a room where hard copies of what happened to
Bhabhi are kept but its not like its kept well concealed, its more like
he created a hell, he is a psychopath ... he created life size portraits
of every frame he captured of Bhabhi, there is a full screen TV in
there which if you switch on will play the tapes in tandem order !! ...
" Rehaan couldn't complete his words as he choked on them.
words hung between them, suspended in space, echoing in their ears, as
they tried to process the horror of what they had just heard. Rehaan had
his head between his hands as he tried to block out the images that he
unwittingly witnessed, his body shaking as hot tears escaped his eyes,
Akash and Zeeshan got up and hugged him tight as they tried to process
the truth that hung like an executioner's sword, Rehaan continued
I didn't know what to do, I didn't know whether to rush out of the
place, or burn it up, Bhabhi agony and suffering, its all been put up
for display, she isn't the only one in there, other victims I suppose,
numerous other tapes, its all there. All I know is that Nikhil is a
psychopath who shouldn't be allowed to live for another minute, every
minute he is alive, he is a blotch on humanity's existence. To think
that he drew pleasure from seeing other's destruction, I don't think I
have met a more dangerous man in my life !!
there is another thing, that house under Nikhil's name, it was given to
him by Raj Gupta, I found copies of the property deed in Nikhil's
account. It was gifted to him around the same year when they went after
Bhabhi. I think it was a GIFT.
I feel sick ... and I feel I cant breathe anymore, how can any father do this to their daughter ? how can people be so cruel !!
And ..
do we tell all this to Arnav Bhai ?? this will destroy him " ,
Rehaan's eyes were the picture of agony as he looked at Zeeshan and
of them spoke for a long while as they sat lost in thought, trying to
figure out their net step, rage boiled in their deepest pits and coursed
through their veins as the desire to rip Nikhil into shreds grew
stronger but they knew that would hurt the case they were building up
against Nikhil and Raj Gupta, they needed him alive.
After a long while, Akash finally spoke,
" we have to tell Bhai ! "
and Zeeshan looked at him with pain in their eyes, because even they
knew that Arnav deserved to know, Arnav had the right to know,
this will destroy Bhai, but he has the right. This is about Bhabhi and
he needs to know this from us before he finds it out by any other means.
I know my brother, he is strong ... " Akash broke off in midsentence as he saw Arnav standing at the door.
and Zeeshan whipped around as they saw the shock on Akash's face, they
felt fear knife through as they wondered how much Arnav had heard. They
waited in trepidation as Arnav walked across the room towards them, his
face set and serious,
" tell me what guys ?
heard Akash, its something about Khushi and if its about her then I
need to know. What is it ? " , Arnav's voice was calm like an ocean as
he waited for their reply.
and Rehaan looked at Zee and nodded, after Arnav he was the eldest
amongst them and they felt that it would be right if Zee told Arnav, Zee
being the one who would understand Arnav the most as he too had a woman
whom he loved like how Arnav loved Khushi.
Zee took Arnav's hand and made him sit down.
happened in the next 20 mins inside that room was left to no one s
imagination because as they feared, it left Arnav absolutely broken, the
pain in Rehaan's eyes was enough for Arnav to understand the horror of
the images and the tapes. His eyes had turned red as he clenched his
fists tight, he looked at Rehaan directly,
" take me there now. "
Akash and Zee felt their hearts pick up pace, they knew Arnav would want to see the place and they knew he couldn't be stopped.
of them said a word more as they stood up and headed out, Akash took
the wheels as Rehaan sat next to him, while Arnav and Zee took the rear
seats, Arnav had his eyes closed, deep in silence as they drove and in
what felt like no time at all, they had reached the spot, the house
loomed in front of them as if it was hell itself welcoming them in,
dread and fear creeped into their hearts, knowing what lay inside, but
Arnav got out without a word and started walking towards the house, the
others were behind him but they hesitated as they reached the house,
Rehaan didn't want to witness that room not for another instance while
he was alive while Akash and Zee didn't want to glimpse the horror that
was inside but at the same time they couldn't let Arnav walk in alone
but just then Arnav turned around,
wait here ... I don't want anyone to come inside with me ... this is
mine and Khushi's battle and this is about her ...I know that someday
what lies inside will become part of a criminal investigation but until
then I don't want anyone to witness it until it needs to be. Rehaan saw
them unwittingly and I wont put my brothers through the horror of
witnessing it along with me. So wait here, I will come back. " he said
as he looked at them one last time before heading in.
turned around and left, despite sounding so strong in front of his
brothers, his heart threatened to fail with each step that he took
closer to his destination, his body shook as he neared the door, his
hands on the knob, he steeled himself as he opened the door calmly and
entered the room, his eyes closed as he shut it and locked it behind
him, and then he opened it ... and his heart stopped beating.
felt the earth slip away from beneath his feet, he felt the air leave
his lungs as he felt the vines of agony vise around his heart, choking
him, he stumbled forward into the room as the images overwhelmed his
senses and threatened to kill him, none of the other faces mattered, she
was all that mattered.
face, a picture of agony and destruction, Arnav lost his step and
slipped to the floor as the images swam in front of his eyes, the
bruises on her body, the blood around her, it wouldn't be too much to
say that Arnav didn't shed tears but he shed blood at that moment, his
eyes fell on the TV screen and his hands reached for the remote, his
fingers touched the button and what came next had Arnav wishing that he
were dead than having to witness Khushi's destruction.
helpless cries crazed his senses into insanity, the animals laughing at
her pain as they went on her relentlessly, brutal and animalistic, the
long hours of agony which saw Khushi falling silent in the face of
abandonment. Her cries ceased, she looked deathlike in her acceptance of
her fate, as the fight left her heart and her body, as the mirth of her
attackers reached fever pitch while she lay there as though dead, the
silent tears that left her eyes, the blood that oozed from her wounds,
he bruises darkening.
felt his sense explode, his heart shattering as he witnessed the love
of his life being torn apart. His helplessness when he saw Khushi lying
on the floor as though dead while her attackers exited the room, a lone
face left to die in the prison her attackers had led her into.
rage coursed through him and he knew he would never be able to contain
the revulsion and hatred that welled up inside him, if Jay was alive
today then Arnav knew he would have ripped him with his bare hands and
have him fed to the dogs and erase his identity. The rampant desire to
kill the ones who were still walking scot free rose in Arnav like a
raging volcano, he knew that a fate worse than death awaited each one of
them. He looked at Khushi's face, his thoughts went back to all the
times he had spend with her, his respect for her surmounted as he
understood fully as to how much she had struggled and survived, he felt
the urgent need to see her, to be with her, to hold her in his arms and
tell her that he would shield her from all the evil in the world, that
he would avenge her, that he would love her forever. And with that
thought in mind, Arnav found the strength return, he stood up and exited
the room without another glance.
met the others who were waiting for him, if they were shocked seeing
him, then they didn't utter a word, they got in with him as he took the
wheels this time but he drove him calmly like always, if there was a
battle raging in him, then none of them knew about it or were allowed to
witness it.
They reached Vaikuntha, Arnav looked at them,
go inside guys, do not tell Khushi anything, I will talk to her, this
is something she needs to hear from me, I will come inside in a short
while, I just need sometime alone, don't worry, I am just going to the
garden. "
nodded as Arnav exited the car and went off while they entered the
house, Alisha saw them come in and one look at their faces and she knew
something was wrong but before she could ask them anything, Zee spoke,
" where is Khushi ?? "
gestured them towards the inside as she looked at them worriedly, she
had never seen Zee so upset, the deathlike stare in his eyes scared her
but before she could ask anything they walked away and she followed them
inside, Khushi was sitting on the couch and talking with Alaka and
Rehaan and Zee walked towards her as quick as their feet would take and
whatever happened next, it left Khushi shocked and worried, because she
saw three men who were like her own brothers to her break down onto her
waiting arms, they slid onto the floor next to her and hugged
themselves onto her lap as the tears slipped down their faces, she held
them but looked at the shocked faces of Alaka Payal and Alisha who were
all left equally speechless, the minutes passed and they didn't speak a
it had started to rain outside and Arnav let the water seep into his
body, as he attempted to control the fury raging in him, the tears fell
like drops of blood as he sat there, the fury consumed him and as the
thundering rainstorms turned to a drizzle, he felt as though a storm had
passed, once he believed himself to be in control, the need to meet
Khushi overwhelmed him, he knew she was waiting for him and so he walked
back to the house.
inside, Khushi saw the three men who had just wept in her arms look at
her with something akin to divine love and respect, specially Rehaan, the
understanding she saw in his eyes instilled a sense of fear in her
heart, she felt as though he had witnessed something that made him
understand her agony to its full extent but when Akash spoke, she knew
he was speaking for all three of them,
today as your brothers, we promise you that everyone single person out
there, each one of those demons who ruined your life, Raj Gupta, Maya,
Nikhil , and all the others. They will never be free for long. We will
make sure that they get a fate worser than death, because death would be
too kind a punishment for them, we will make sure they beg for their
death at your feet, we promise Bhabhi and will do anything and
everything that needs to be done to fulfill our promise. " said Akash as
he kissed her hands and got up and walked away, Rehaan hugged her tight
before following Akash while Zee got up, he cupped the side of her
cheeks and smiled at her fondly before placing a kiss on her forehead.
looked at Alisha who was watching him worriedly, tears glazing her eyes
and he smiled at her, held out his hand for her to take, and he led her
away while Alaka and Payal followed them.
sat there, she had tears in her eyes as she recollected their promise,
her heart seeking the solace that only Arnav could give her, she knew
that today she would get her answers only from Arnav, or else they
wouldn't have left her there all alone, she knew that Arnav would soon
be by her side and just as she looked up, she saw him walk in and the
sight of him left her shocked, he was drenched in rain, his eyes looked
bloodshot with all the tears that he had shed, he looked like a man who
had been destroyed and then brought alive, but with scars haunting him,
and he reached her before she could blink, her name fell like a prayer
from his lips as he scooped her into a hug,
Without a word, he picked her up and carried her away into their room.
next update will be Love In Death Valley ( next week )